• out of stock

450g Clover Honey - 2 for $7 (Usually $5.49 ea.) @ The Warehouse (In-Store)


Update: out of stock online. In-store only.

$7 for 900gm of honey has to be a good deal doesn't it?

The cheapest I can find in supermarkets is 250gm jars of clover blend for around $4

Original Coupon Deal
Original Coupon Deal

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The Warehouse
The Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +1

    Yep, I ordered 4 yesterday. Also pasta 5 bags for $5, and butter 500g for $5.

    • I ordered 10, I figured if they found three thousand year old honey in Egyptian tombs that was still edible then they should be ok sitting in my pantry for a couple of years.

      • Yeah, I heard honey and instant coffee can last forever…haha

      • If you're keen buying that many you should have bought 16 - then you would have got another $5 off for $50 spend in the App.
        Grand total of $51 (or $3.18 each).

        Then again….that's a lot of honey!

        • Don't worry I got the discount, I bought other stuff as well, a couple of those giant cans of diced apple pieces, some of the dried pasta and a few packs of https://www.thewarehouse.co.nz/p/red-rock-deli-coated-red-pe… which last time I had them I found to be very very moorish.

          • @[Deactivated]: What does moorish mean?

            • -3

              @justaddwater: I spelled it wrong but Moreish is an informal word used to describe a food or drink that makes you want to have more of it. Moreish is primarily British, and it's relatively uncommon. Example: These biscuits are so moreish—I can't help but eat the whole bag in one sitting.

              Any other easy questions you'd like me to Google for you?

      • Yep. It's not quite at Egyptian tomb level, but my current jar has a best before of 2016.

  • Nice, very cheap for honey.

  • 68 available.

  • -2

    Thanks, bought 6

  • Definitely cheap.

  • Sweet deal, thanks

  • Rapidly approaching 'Cheapied status' - 23 left

  • This was on clearence at the wharehouse Sylvai park yesterday for only $0.47 cents.

    • i hope you cleaned up

    • The link you posted is for the peanut, not for the honey? Or is this completely unrelated to the deal itself?

      • +1

        We were just talking about the peanuts earlier so I thought I would just mention this.

    • Also the St Lukes branch has a bunch of short-dated 125g Lindor bags for $3

  • Thanks OP

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