Update: out of stock online. In-store only.
$7 for 900gm of honey has to be a good deal doesn't it?
The cheapest I can find in supermarkets is 250gm jars of clover blend for around $4
Update: out of stock online. In-store only.
$7 for 900gm of honey has to be a good deal doesn't it?
The cheapest I can find in supermarkets is 250gm jars of clover blend for around $4
I ordered 10, I figured if they found three thousand year old honey in Egyptian tombs that was still edible then they should be ok sitting in my pantry for a couple of years.
Yeah, I heard honey and instant coffee can last forever…haha
If you're keen buying that many you should have bought 16 - then you would have got another $5 off for $50 spend in the App.
Grand total of $51 (or $3.18 each).
Then again….that's a lot of honey!
Don't worry I got the discount, I bought other stuff as well, a couple of those giant cans of diced apple pieces, some of the dried pasta and a few packs of https://www.thewarehouse.co.nz/p/red-rock-deli-coated-red-pe… which last time I had them I found to be very very moorish.
@justaddwater: I spelled it wrong but Moreish is an informal word used to describe a food or drink that makes you want to have more of it. Moreish is primarily British, and it's relatively uncommon. Example: These biscuits are so moreish—I can't help but eat the whole bag in one sitting.
Any other easy questions you'd like me to Google for you?
Yep. It's not quite at Egyptian tomb level, but my current jar has a best before of 2016.
Nice, very cheap for honey.
68 available.
Thanks, bought 6
Definitely cheap.
Sweet deal, thanks
Rapidly approaching 'Cheapied status' - 23 left
This was on clearence at the wharehouse Sylvai park yesterday for only $0.47 cents.
i hope you cleaned up
The link you posted is for the peanut, not for the honey? Or is this completely unrelated to the deal itself?
We were just talking about the peanuts earlier so I thought I would just mention this.
Also the St Lukes branch has a bunch of short-dated 125g Lindor bags for $3
Thanks OP
Yep, I ordered 4 yesterday. Also pasta 5 bags for $5, and butter 500g for $5.