Advice: Old Car Battery Disposal

I've just replaced my car's battery.

Does anyone know if I can get some cash for my old battery?

If yes,

  • What should I expect to get for it?
  • Where/Who should I reach out to?

If no,

  • How do I dispose of it cheaply/environmentally?


  • Not sure about getting cash for it but there are a few places that take them for free.
    Supercheap Auto( take them.
    In Christchurch you can also take them to the EcoDepot recycling centres for free.

  • +4

    Take it to a scrap metal recycler, they recycle the lead contained in the battery. Depending on the size of the battery, you might get between $5 - $10.

    • Cheapies certified method as you get money back lol

  • +1

    We use the smaller size ones, sold two just a few weeks ago at the scrap metal yard for $10 (New Lynn, Auckland).

  • +1

    Scrap for sure, most will go by weight and many of the cars from the last decade with stop start have a bigger more valuable battery.
    I got $25 for my wifes old car battery last year. (Endless metals Onehunga)
    Only take up the "dispose for free" options if you are time poor, as some of the scrap dealers can be busy.

  • The last time I had old batteries, I listed them up on trademe. Very easy, somebody comes by and collects them. Think I got $10 for a normal one and $5 for a small one but I can't remember exactly.

  • Does any place take broken TVs for free? We have a few broken LCD TVs, but Wellington landfill charges $30 each, ouch!…

    • The $30 charge is for old cathode ray TVs. LCD TVs should be free to dispose of (although the website doesn't make that clear).

      • Cool, thanks, I didn't know that!

      • Did any here used to smash open CRTs to scrap the yoke and degaussing cable?
        Those were the bad old days!

  • +1

    One place I phoned normally paid $1 per kilo but isn't taking them at the moment. He said he can't get shipping containers to ship them out of the country. Another that is taking batteries now offered 50 cents a kilo. My big diesel SUV battery weighs 21 or 22 kilograms.

    • Thanks, this is really useful to know!

  • +2

    Yeah I just phoned around yesterday. One place was offering .50c and another .20c per kg….bottom has dropped out of the market for the time being. The guy I spoke to suggested holding on to it till another time when demand has risen again

    • Thanks a lot!
      I think I will hold on to it for a little while longer. It doesn't take much space and I'm in no rush.

  • Super Cheap Auto are offering $20 to Trade in on your old battery. Pretty good if you combine it with their price beat

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