• expired

Arnott's Tim Tam 165g - 200g $1.49 ea. (Limit 4 assorted) @ PAK'n SAVE, Silverdale


Tim tams are currently 1.49 at Pak N Save Silverdale. Could potentially be price matched at The Warehouse bringing them down to 1.34. The Warehouse have chewy caramel and original, both of which are quite nice.

The Warehouse link(thewarehouse.co.nz)
How to pricematch

The Pak n Save Silverdale facebook page also has some other deals - the original post was made four days ago and says the deals are available until 22 May, but they still seem to be active on the Pak n Save Sliverdale website.


  • original biscuits 200g
  • chewy caramel 175g
  • double coat 200g
  • white chocolate 165g
  • classic dark 200g

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Other potentially good deals: Bluebird Twisties/Cheezels/Burger Rings 120g are 89c (80c price matched at TWH).

  • How does the price matching work, do you have to have the exact amount you want in the cart before they do a manual discount or can you adjust the quantity after they add the discount and it updates?

    • You can adjust the quantity afterwards.

      • Hmm, seems like you can no longer do that. I tried adjusting quantity after the discount was applied and found that the discount only applies to a single item.

        • +1

          That's what happened to me when I had a modest 2 packets in my cart. I messaged them again saying I meant to grab 4. The person I got the second time did it as a percentage discount, then I went and upped it to 10 packets

    • You are better to just put one in the cart otherwise they can deny you for trying to buy excess quantities or whatever other reason they decide to come up with today.
      Once they alter the price for one you should be able to go back and change the quantity to what you are after.

      I have had an issue once before where they put a discount in my cart for the value of one item instead which meant I couldn't change the quantity but mostly they just change the unit price.

      • I've come across that once as well.

  • M&M's Minis Milk Chocolate Tube (35g) 99c in many PnS, TWH is $1.89

  • +3

    Thanks bought 40

    • Is that a year's supply? Or just for Tim Tam Slam Night? :D

      • +1

        I'm travelling overseas in a few months, can take 115kg of checked in baggage lol so will probably take 25/30 packs overseas and eat the rest until then

    • +1

      You might want to enter the competition I posted then after that order….

      • hahaha

    • +1

      Oh god, we really are going to kill this policy, aren't we.

      • +1

        nah serves retailers right for price gouging in the first place

  • +1

    Nivea deodorants are a pretty good deal too: $2.99 for the roll-ons, compared with $4.50 at TWH. https://www.paknsave.co.nz/shop/Search?q=nivea%20deodorant

  • Be quick there's only 588 left @TWH 😜

  • brought 25 packs between mum brother and myself

  • +1

    Mate, this was a dangerous post. I got 20 packets to take to events over the next couple of months. $1.34 is a crazy price! Love it

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