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Wattie's (50% Less Added Sugar) Baked Beans 3kg $3.98 + Shipping / Pickup @ The Warehouse


Pretty cheap considering these are normally around $20. Can either get them delivered or click and collect.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    So tempting but… 3kg

    • +2

      That's a lot of beans

    • +3

      It is only about 6 normal sized tins per 3kg tin. Maybe people can freeze them into bags when opened? But they are far nicer than a lot of the cheap beans out there.

  • sure why not. ordered. hope they complete it

  • Also on TheMarket. 11 in stock.

  • +2

    Comes with enough tomato sauce to fill a DIY ketchup bottle; that alone is worth $2 right??

  • Good example of how quickly stock comes and goes and how it pays to check even after items are listed as out of stock.

    • +1

      What cause baked beans πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚just don't buy it if that's your personal thoughts.just make sure you avoid most bargins food related here on cheapies 🀣🀣like the m&m pretzels from 1day …cause believe it or not it's also bad for ya in bulk πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    • +5

      You clearly don't know what you are talking about. Baked beans contain high levels of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Almost no fat, and this variety has reduced sugar. At $3.98 for 3 kg, a pretty useful purchase in a cost of living crisis don't you think?
      Perhaps you and your "palette" should educate yourselves on the nutritional value of legumes.

      • Commonly confused words

        palate / palette / pallet
        Palette can refer to a range of colours. A platform used for moving things is a pallet. And your preference of flavours in food is your palate.

  • +1

    Its not normally $20. That is for 3x3KG. Normally $6 so ~$2 saving

  • I have not tried the watties beans with less sugar, but one thing to try if you really prefer the taste of watties is to buy a cheaper brand and add extra sugar. For example I bought half a dozen cans of oak the other week (price matched down to 60c). Oak baked beans have 2 teaspoons less sugar per can and a bit less salt too - add that back in and they taste a lot like watties (I used to do this regularly when I was a student, and flatmates generally couldn't tell the difference).

    • Mind blown.thats why it watties taste better. It's the sugar

    • +1

      I actually sieve the sauce out since i dont want the sugar. 1/3rd of the normal can is sauce, so i normally just buy the cheaper ones.

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