You'll need Capcom Arcade Stadium if you don't have it already, it's free to download.
Capcom Arcade Stadium…
STREET FIGHTER II - The World Warrior…
PS Store…
Also a bunch of cheap Xbox games to be had from Gamivo, just choose Argentina as the region when you're browsing the Xbox section, then all you need is an Argentinian VPN turned on when you redeem the codes, it's pretty easy.
A few examples are -
RE2 remake for around $10
Elden Ring for about $48
Metro Triple Pack (1, 2 & Exodus) for around $4 (I bought it just to see what the ray tracing in Exodus looks like on Series X)
Witcher 3 GOTY for $3
AC Triple Pack (Black Flag, Syndicate, Unity) for around $4
Resident Evil Triple Pack (RE4, RE5, RE6) for around $7
I also paid around $3.50 to unlock Dolby Atmos on my Series X.
A good site to bookmark if you want cheap digital Xbox games, great if you've got a Series S. Eneba is another one with similar prices.