This was posted 2 years 8 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Car Wash (x3), Free Hot Drink (x4), $0.10 off Per Litre of Fuel (x4) @ Z App


I've got another couple of codes to try at Z.

These two codes worked on three existing accounts we have in our household and one new one I made to test.
Thanks to wowbigdeal who was able to confirm that it worked on some of his accounts too.
I am based in Christchurch so not sure whether location (Christchurch or South Island maybe) are influencing factors.

Codes are:
THANKS - free hot drink + 10c off
THANKYOU - 3x Car Wash (although says expires in 1 day, 3x free hot drink, 3x 10c off!)

If both codes work you will end up with 3x car washes, 4 hot drinks and 4x 10c off per litre.
Note: The car washes all say 'Expires in 1 day' on my app but the drinks and 10c all have 90 day validity.

Update: If the codes don’t work for you today then try again tomorrow. There are many instances where they now seem to work after initially not being successful. It appears there are limits on the number of codes used in a day so don’t give up!

This is bound to not work for everybody but hoping it will work for at least some of you.

Referral Links

Z App: random (17)

Referrer gets 1 free coffee (up to 3 max). Referrer requires referee's phone number.

Z Electric: random (4)

Referee gets 50L+ extra 25L. Referrer gets 50L. Referral code needs to be entered during account creation in the "Promo" section.

Related Stores

Z Energy
Z Energy

closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks bigcheeZe.

  • +11


    • +2

      Liked what you did there so much I had to update my comment 😁

  • +2

    My one new account now has the following as a result of the new account sign up, my codes and some of the other codes posted by others.
    Doesn't look like there is a limit!

    • 3x Free Z20 Max Wash
    • 1x $5 off Z20 Max Wash
    • 9x Free Z Espress hot drink
    • 8x 10c per litre of fuel
    • If you create a new account, you have to reinstall the App to login right?

      • +1

        I just cleared the data for the app.
        Same result just faster than reinstalling.

        But I don’t think there is a logout button so you need to do one or the other to get to the login screen.

        • Thanksssss 👍 👍👍

        • How do I clear the data for the App please?

        • I create a new one based on Canterbury and test all 10 codes, only Test/Test1/THANKYOU work for me

        • For iPhones:

          Open Settings.
          Tap your name.
          Tap iCloud.
          Tap Manage Storage.
          Tap an app.
          Tap Delete Data.
          Tap Delete to confirm.

  • +3

    Why ain't the codes working for me?

  • THANKS worked. THANKS OP!

    • If you're Auckland based then that rules out my South Island location setting as the trigger.

      Same thing with me on the other codes, some worked but many didn't.

      • Yes, I'm Auckland based

  • +1

    Didn't work for me. And most of the other codes didn't work either. Not sure why. It says "unable to redeem voucher". : (

    • Likewise. Last few haven't worked. In Waikato

  • Didn't work for me, I'm in Wellington… maybe I need to make a new account?

  • didn't work for me, even after setting a mock location to Christchurch :(

    • i gotta ask, how did you setup mock locations for Z app? is there any way to set mock locations for Z's sharetank topup?

      • If you have an old iPhone lying around you can jailbreak it easily and download the Locsim tweak

        • -1

          Does the locsim actually work with sharetank? Have you tried it? I've tried the z app and was unsuccessful due to their detection technology. If the locsim is just like any other spoofer it won't be able to get around the detection.

          • @Bill: which would be the cheapest z? do you know? I wanna try and do the sharetank

            • @kiwiicheapies: I used [Gaspy statistics] ( to find that Richmond, Christchurch has the cheapest petrol
              sadly the diesel isn't cheaper than the Z's near me.

              • @kiwiicheapies: update:
                Spoofing your location in Sharetank is against our Terms and Conditions. You won't be able to make a top up, until the software is disabled.

                • @kiwiicheapies: Suspending or terminating your use of Sharetank

                  In addition to our other rights in these terms, we may suspend your use of Sharetank, hold or reverse any transaction if we have reason to believe that you or any third party using your account misuses our service or is dishonest.

                  risk vs reward. not sure if saving a few bucks is worth them suspending your account with losing (upwards of) hundreds of dollars of fuel on the sharetank.

                  • @kiwiicheapies: They won't be seizing your money, it will just be reversed. That error is what I was talking about with them detecting it. That's why I was surprised that locsim can go undetected.

                • +1

                  @kiwiicheapies: From my feeble attempt to get around this, their sharetank part of the app is seemingly, relatively advanced. Likely outsourced, cause the rest of the app is garbage.

          • @Bill: Yep works for me, basically it spoofs your actual GPS location rather than your IP location like normal VPNs do.

            So I just search up the Z in like Hamilton for example on Google maps, get the coordinates and paste into my locsim command.

            This lets me buy sharetank litres outside of auckland, basically bypassing paying for the AKL fuel tax

            • @apas023: That's interesting, somehow your locsim takes advantage through root to bypass the detection tech in the z app. I know the difference between a vpn and location spoofer but if you try without root in android, the z app can detect it and you get the same error message as kiwiicheapies.

              I haven't bothered to work around the z app's block, but knowing the root spoof works out of the box means it can probably be done on android without root.

              Another possibility could be that ios app isolation stuff that protects your privacy, which may be the reason why the z app can't detect it.

      • I have an android, it's an option in the developer setting of my Samsung device. there are many tutorials online that show how to set it up

  • mine one working, my wife's one not. Not sure how system calculates

    • Which code worked for you?

  • Doesn't work for me

  • Didn't work for my account and a new account.

  • Doesn’t work here either

  • is it worth updating the app? worry this might cancel all the voucher…any thoughs

    • I've updated the app and never lost any vouchers.
      The vouchers are all tied to your login (mobile number) so you can even log your account in on different phone if you want.
      You only need to be able to verify the mobile number via one time code.

  • So I much purchase something to be able to use the vouchers?

    • No, you can walk up to the counter and get the complimentary item on you App. No questions asked, they'll scan the QR code and that's that.

      • Are u able to get all the free hot drinks in one go?

        • Yes. Shouldn't be a problem.

        • Yes.

        • How much coffee do you need⁉️

          • +1

            @Jaxson: Free coffee for life thanks :)

  • +6

    THANKYOU worked for me, but not THANKS.

    Cheers OP!

    • +1

      No problem.
      Glad one of them worked for you.

  • +1

    Both didn't work for me. Used my partners phone to set up a new account, THANKYOU worked. Thanks OP!

  • +2

    Hamilton based and both worked! I made an account just for these deals so not sure if it changed anything

    • I got it on my new account but also on three other existing accounts we had amongst the family.
      Pretty sure I've only used vouchers on the other accounts and never actually paid for anything but not sure.

  • wonder if the type of phone / os might also play a role… I've tried setting mock locations around different parts of NZ but still no luck

    • +1

      It worked for us on different phones and OS.
      Mine is an iPhone 11, my son an iPhone XR, wife is Samsung S20, also an iPhone 7.
      I really have no idea what it is?

      • just tried reinstalling the app and still nothing. I'm going to try on different devices (same account) and if that doesn't work then I'll sign up a new account and see.

  • +3

    THANKYOU worked for me not THANKS. Just created my account with z as well

  • +3

    Wonder how many of this codes will remain valid tomorrow once the dev team figure out what is going on?

    Edit: Monday morning I mean.

    • +3

      The dev team haven't figured out that 'Test' works yet so we might have some time!

  • +1

    Did not worked for me both

  • Didn’t work for me and CHCH based. Probably best for new accounts. Nice find though OP!

    • You started the revolution so thanks to you!
      I literally guessed the codes like you did after several failed attempts.

      Obviously being in Christchurch is not the trigger.

      • +1

        No problem. There’s nothing like the brute force cheapies codes aye (combined with poor app design/QA).

  • +1

    Worked for me. But does it really expire in one day ? Dam

    • Just the car washes in one day according to our accounts - drinks and 10c are good for 90 days.
      Not sure whether it means the car wash is valid for only one day from when you add it to your account or whether it's down to expire on the 26/6 for everyone.

      • Thanks man. Hope it lasts longer than midnight tonight !

    • +1

      I’ve screenshotted the QR codes just in case they do disappear, but who could say if they’ll work after the fact…

    • When I redeemed the three carwash codes (which said expires in 1 day), it said valid for 7 days on the slip of paper the code was printed on. The worker didn't seem too impressed that I was redeeming three in one go though…

      • interesting - is that how it works lol all 3 at once. What did you do ? 3 car washes ?

        • Yeah I had to scan all three to get the three tickets. We have two cars and we gave the third to a cousin ha.

          • @NZBigC: good man/gal - i didnt use mine but glad to see you did and shared it

  • Nice!

  • I'm unsure here but I think you redeem for a code that lasts so long on can try claiming the app code tomorrow

  • +1

    signed up a new account based in auckland and THANKYOU worked


  • I'm in SI both not working for me

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Signed up for a new account and THANKYOU worked for me :) I was looking at the car like it needed a wash but couldnt be bothered with all this rain…now I will flick it in tomorrow for free wash!

    • gonna be massive lines for z car washes tomorrow lol

      • nahh, the lines are at BP lol

  • +17

    To those that have free carwashes, go in-store and redeem the vouchers. The cashier will print a receipt with a code on it. You can then use the voucher at a later date even though the app voucher expires in 1 day.

    • +1

      Good tip. Thanks.
      I'll still be interested to see if all car wash vouchers using the THANKYOU code expire tomorrow or whether it gives only one day to use it from when it was redeemed.

    • So do you go back another day and show the cashier your receipt?

      • +3

        i think its valid for 30 days, the receipt will have a code to use at the car wash, (this is what i did last time).

        • Code in is valid for 10 days as I write this sitting in the z car wash queue be wondering if I should come back another time…..

      • +1

        Once you have the printed receipt you don't have to go back to the cashier, you go straight to the carwash and tap the 4 digit code into the keypad.

        • Thanks! Makes sense now. Never had a car wash at those petrol stations before.

    • +6

      As an extension to this you can also ask for a free vacuum ticket. As far as I know a free vacuum is still included with a complimentary carwash.

    • +1

      Does it have to be the same Z outlet you go back to or can it be any other Z?

      • Anyone can confirm is this working please cheers

        • It’s working. I just claimed 3 from north Christchurch somewhere

      • +3

        It has to be same outlet where the voucher is redeemed.

        • Thanks so I didn't redeem any, my local Z don't have a car wash lol

  • Didn't work :(

  • Doesn't work

  • Neither work for me, think ill download the app on daughters phone and try all the codes

  • +1

    All codes worked! Thanks!

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