• expired

More Free Hot Drinks @ Z App


here are a few more that may work for you, all posted here before on cheapies i believe so credit to the OP's, hopefully they work for you if you haven't entered them before.
worked with new account for me.

Referral Links

Z App: random (17)

Referrer gets 1 free coffee (up to 3 max). Referrer requires referee's phone number.

Z Electric: random (4)

Referee gets 50L+ extra 25L. Referrer gets 50L. Referral code needs to be entered during account creation in the "Promo" section.

Related Stores

Z Energy
Z Energy

closed Comments

  • +4

    Didn't work for me, hopefully works for others

  • +1

    I already posted FBCOF08 a couple of weeks ago:

    • ah sorry i have removed, still some people may of missed, all the other codes were either posted last year or made in a comment so might help highlight them to those that may not know

      • +1

        Agreed. There have been a lot. All good mate.

  • +1

    All worked, surprisingly.
    Edit: Vouchers aren't actually showing up.

  • +2

    Tried two of the codes, both went through but I did not get the vouchers.

    My account already had 9 free drinks so if you're in a similar situation, you might not want to use these yet and actually redeem 3 drinks first before using these codes. There may be a cap of 9 free drinks.

    • +1

      The free drink 9 gone I think Z fix the glitch now my drink down to 2 :(

      • Oh shi* you right! I just checked and lost 3 free drinks!

        • same here

  • Applied but doesn't show up

    • Just wondering how many pre-existing free drink vouchers you were sitting on?

      • +1

        I was at 3.

        • Thanks for the input! So it probably has nothing to with do # of drinks. Vouchers are simply not showing up.

    • Same here, all accepted but none showing up

  • +1

    Safe to say the system is glitchy af so wouldn’t be surprised if accepted but doesn’t show up. 😂

  • all worked none showed up though

  • None worked for me

  • Last one worked for me but voucher not showing up

  • +1

    Two accepted but no additional voucher. Still just have four drinks from thank you codes

  • +1

    Can you get this if you don't have a car?

    • +2

      yes you can just go into the store and pick up the coffees

  • Has anyone been able to redeem more than 3 codes in 1 day? I could add 3 yesterday and 3 today before error messages come up

    • Redeeming 5 right now. Had to be in 5 separate sales otherwise the app would error.

  • on mine it said free with any purchase?

  • +3

    I think z's app developer might be in trouble 😵‍💫

    • +5

      They should've been in trouble anyway because the app is a dog

  • +1

    Seems like they caught up with it. Additional codes doesn't work
    Can anyone confirm it works if you are loading from scratch?

    • Seems to be limited to 3per day

    • i didn't have any code before, none of them worked, they may have shut down the redeem process.

  • +1

    None worked for me.

  • My daughter tried to redeem all codes yesterday and ZERO worked so I think they have fixed it. Snooze ya lose.

    • Does not work since last night as reported by fellow members. Codes were up almost two days. Gotta be quick around here.

  • Yup none of those work.

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