This was posted 2 years 8 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

AmEx Card: Spend $100 at Waitomo, BP or Gull & Get $15 Back

  • Offer valid for payments made by 31/12/2022 in-store or in-app at participating fuel retailer locations where American Express is accepted. Prior to refueling your vehicle, you must ensure that the location accepts American Express.
  • $100 must be spent, in one or more transactions, at the same participating merchant to receive one $15 credit.
  • Offer is limited to one credit per Card to which the offer is saved and only spend on this Card counts towards the offer.
  • Excludes transactions where you do not spend directly with your Card to which the offer is saved, in-store or in-app at only one of the participating fuel retailers. Valid at New Zealand locations and app only.
  • Excludes transactions made through a third party establishment or payment processor.
  • Credit is not redeemable for cash or other payment form.
  • Credit should appear on your billing statement within 5 business days from qualifying spend but may take up to 90 days from the offer end date.
  • Credit will not be applied to your Card Account if your Card has been suspended or cancelled.
  • Credit may be reversed if your qualifying purchase is refunded or cancelled.

Referral Links

Airpoints: random (16)

Referrer gets 15 Airpoints Dollars. Referees should select the Airpoints card if not taken to the correct Amex card.

Airpoints Platinum: random (35)

Referrer gets 40 Airpoints Dollars. Referees should select the Airpoints Platinum card if not taken to the correct Amex card.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express
Waitomo Group
Waitomo Group

closed Comments

  • This might be targeted? don't see the offer in my app, and can't see an option to add the offer to card on their website.

    • Which Amex card do you have? I got this for my airpoints card (not platinum).

      • +1

        Airpoints platinum card. Hopefully I get an email later for it =D

        • Also Airpoints platinum card here (have accumulated about 400 airpoints spend over 3 months) but no offer :(

          edit: spoke to live chat and they gave me the offer!

          • @saxasianguy: Just checked my AmEx app, and i can see this offer with my Airpoints Platinum Card

  • Thanks! Can see the offer on my Airpoints Platinum card.

  • Great! This offer was available on my standard Airpoints Card (didn’t get an email, just saw the offer in the app).

  • Thanks, didn't get the email but saw the offer in the app (airpoint card).

  • +2

    Just checked the app and no offer for me 😞 (platinum card)

  • No offer on my Platinum Edge card either.

  • Has anyone successfully filled up at Gull using Amex? I didn't think they accepted Amex.

    • In Auckland most Gull stations I've been to accept it, but few branches don't.

  • Spoke to live chat, added it manually to both my plat airpoints and plat edge

  • Available in app offers for my Platinum Edge but not Platinum Charge for me

  • Can’t see the offer in my app. Asked live chat if they could add it and they said sorry not possible…

    Oh well.

  • Nothing for me on both green charge card and platinum card too.

  • +1

    Thanks! Got it for 3 out of 5 of my cards

  • Marketing team review activity like ‘Tenure, payment and spend etc. So this offer is targeted.

  • Can anyone add AmEx to the Waitomo app? AmEx have 4 digit security codes and the app will only accept 3 digits??

    • I added Amex without any problems (with 4 digit code)

  • Update: used live chat two weeks ago without luck. But I called Amex today and the agent Henry successfully added the offer to both my green card and platinum card.

  • worth checking the AMEX app if you have the deal offered.

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