The Day of the Programmer is an international professional day that is celebrated on the 256th day of each year. 256 being the number of distinct values that can be represented with a byte, a number well known to programmers.
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Creating Games with Unity, Substance Painter, & Maya: Models, Textures, Animation, & Code
This tutorial-based book allows readers to create a first-person game from start to finish using industry-standard (and free to student) tools of Unity, Substance Painter, and Maya. The first half of the book lays out the basics of using Maya and Substance Painter to create game-ready assets. This includes polygonal modeling, UV layout, and custom texture painting. The book then covers rigging and animation solutions to create assets to be placed in the game, including animated first-person assets and motion-captured NPC animations. Finally, readers can put it all together and build interactivity that allows the player to create a finished game using the assets built and animated earlier in the book.
- Language: English
- Authors: Jingtian Li, Adam Watkins, Kassandra Arevalo, Matt Tovar
- Publication Date: December 2020
- Publisher: Taylor & Francis
- Format: PDF
- Pages: 768
- ISBN: 9781003050490
Game Audio with FMOD and Unity
Introduces readers to the principles and practice of game audio through the process of creating their own First Person Shooter (FPS) game.
All the basics are covered, as well as a simple introduction to coding. Using the free software Unity and FMOD Audio Middleware, the reader will be able to create a game of their own and develop a portfolio that demonstrates their capacities in interactive sound design.
- Language: English
- Author: Ciarán Robinson
- Publication Date: March 2019
- Publisher: Taylor & Francis
- Format: PDF
- Pages: 278
- ISBN: 9780429455971
2D Game Development with Unity
This book teaches beginners and aspiring game developers how to develop 2D games with Unity. Thousands of commercial games have been built with Unity. The reader will learn the complete process of 2D game development, step by step. The theory behind each step is fully explained. This book contains numerous color illustrations and access to all source code and companion videos.
- Language: English
- Author: Franz Lanzinger
- Publication Date: December 2020
- Publisher: Taylor & Francis
- Format: PDF
- Pages: 444
- ISBN: 9780429328664
Punk Playthings: Provocations for 21st Century Game Makers
is an antidote to complacency and orthodoxy. Packed with probes and provocations that explore game-making through fresh lenses for uncertain times, it challenges gaming monoculture by constructing a trading space for ideas and learning from across domains and cultures. Punk Playthings has zero respect for boundaries between mediums, industries, sectors, specialisms, or disciplines. Instead, it challenges you to expand your cultural capital, think laterally, and make new connections.
- Language: English
- Authors: Dr Chris Lowthorpe, Sean Taylor
- Publication Date: November 2017
- Publisher: Taylor & Francis
- Format: PDF
- Pages: 288
- ISBN: 9781315381183
Also known as day 100, day 2^8, or 1111 1111