PNS Tauriko has Whitakers at $4.19, cheapest it has been in a while.
You can price match this online for $3.78 a block with the warehouse
You then also use the $5 off with the market discount.
Talk to an agent online!
PNS Tauriko has Whitakers at $4.19, cheapest it has been in a while.
You can price match this online for $3.78 a block with the warehouse
You then also use the $5 off with the market discount.
Talk to an agent online!
$3.99 (PnS Upper Hutt) x 0.9 (10% Warehouse Price Beat) x 14 (blocks) - $5 MarketClub Discount = $45.26
$45.26 / 14 = $3.23 per block
Not as good as the $3 "PR stunt" by FreshChoice allowing you to price beat at the warehouse for $2.44 per block (19 blocks)
I got mine at just under $1 a block due the agent applying the discount to the cart lol…
lmao xD Nice one
They must have someone new working. I just did my order and got 19 blocks for $46.11 which to me says the agent applied the discount to the Pak n Sav price of $2.99 rather than $3.99 lol
Do you remember which agent you got on the warehouse?
@james12345: nah sorry, it was a name i didnt recognise though. And I use live chat oftem enough to recohnise most lol
Same as Tmurder91 above, just got 50 blocks matched. I may have put a typo and told Claire they were $2.99 at PnS waiting for her to correct me but she just put it through…..
50 blocks?? Better hope there's a cheapies deal for an insulin pump!
Jeez hope hes the kind of person to share them with friends an family otherwise he'll definitly need that
Christmas i think. i just got a measly 16 blocks at $2.69ea
@coffeee: Pretty much. Family are going overseas end of the year and they always take Whittaker’s as gifts for extended family and friends so just loading them up. May sneak a few myself though.
haha good on you testing your luck. Guess the whole concept of changing your store on the pak n save website is a bit much for them and so 'too hard' to check?
How do you get the $5 market discount?
It automatically applied for me on the cart page in the app when above $50. So 14 blocks total with discount = $47.78 or $3.41 each
Ahh okay I'm just buying a few so wont get the discount.
I got 25 😀. Thanks
Thanks. Still able to get a discount for 25 pcs. First agent declined me, tried again a couple of hours later and was able to pricematch at 3.99$ plus 5$ off.
Tenille says nope
Leigh price matched. came down to $3.34 a block (including $5 market club)
and George
How do you get The Warhouse price match on The Market? If I ask on warehouse online chat can they discount items in my Market cart?
Warehouse online chat will only deal with items from The Warehouse, through The Warehouse website.
Even though The Market is also part of the same group it is really just a collection of a number of different retailers.
You won’t get a pricematch through The Market.
Thanks. I guess what confused me is OP says to use Pricematch in conjuction with the "$5 off with the market discount", not sure how that's meant to work
Through The Warehouse app you can sign up to Market Club which gives you access to a range of weekly offers.
One of the frequent offers (ie most weeks) is the $5 off $50 spend which is on now and is available both through the app and more recently the website too.
That will be what @JADO was referring to. Other Market Club offers are only through the app.
The Market has Market Club+ membership which gives you free shipping on purchases over $45.
They are not the same - bit confusing I know.
Here's hoping that leaked Hazella flavour is real.
Available Monday onwards.
$3.99 at PNS Tamatea & Upper Hutt