Vine Grove Sparkling White Grape Juice

Hey everyone,

I am in love with this grape juice from The Warehouse and brought 30+ bottles last Christmas…. I was looking at doing the same thing this year to find it's increased to $4.50 per bottle from $2-2.50 last year! I tried to find another retailer selling it or nationally or even internationally but was unable to. Can anybody help me find a way to bring the price down on this very essential item?


Related Stores

The Warehouse
The Warehouse


  • Sign up to MarketClub+ using the Cheapies referral system, add 23 to your cart, use the $20 off $99 spend coupon code.

    Makes it $3.60ish ea. delivered.…

    That’s just off the top of my head.

    • +1

      You can only do 18 bottles before you get hit with shipping charges even with MarketClub+.
      Unfortunately not enough to use the referral code.

  • Are you in Auckland?
    Do you have a $5 Birthday coupon?

    If you are then MarketPoint pickup is free.
    Get two bottles for $9, less a $5 Birthday Coupon and pay $4 total.
    $2 per bottle!

    Bit of a slow process to get to 30 bottles though…


    • Unfortunately not in Auckland, will take a look at the Birthday coupon option for future purchases though. Thanks!

  • Weird how Warehouse Stationery( sells the sparkling red grape juice but not the white online.

  • Howdy @darkzek 2 bottles for $5 at the warehouse right now

  • Got a case

  • Now $2 a bottle with The Warehouse MarketClub membership until 3rd Jan @darkzek

    • +1

      Ordered like 20 bottles after seeing this haha. Thanks!

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