This deal was posted 2 years 4 months 19 days ago

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McDonald's 30 Days of Deals (1st Nov - 30th Nov 2022) @ McDonald's App


30 days 30 deals via the McDonalds App.
Starts 1st November.

Image of the 30 days of deals here.
^ credit Kanwaldeep

Power User note: The below is a guess of what the deals are after looking at the image.

Date Deal Cost
01/11/22 6 Nuggets Free
02/11/22 Big Mac small combo $6
03/11/22 McChicken & Cheeseburger combo $8
04/11/22 Cheeseburger $2
05/11/22 Big Mac & 6 Nuggets combo $9
06/11/22 2x 6 Nugget combos $10
07/11/22 Quarter Pounder small combo $7
08/11/22 Cheeseburger & 6 Nuggets combo $8
09/11/22 McChicken $4
10/11/22 Big Mac & Cheeseburger $8
11/11/22 Cheeseburger $2
12/11/22 10pk McNuggets $6
13/11/22 Double 1/4 Pounder combo $12
14/11/22 Double Cheeseburger Combo $7
15/11/22 6 Nuggets $4
16/11/22 McChicken & 6 Nuggets combo $9
17/11/22 1/4 Pounder & Cheeseburger combo $8
18/11/22 10 Nuggets $6
19/11/22 Cheeseburger $2
20/11/22 2x McChicken Combo $12
21/11/22 Cheeseburger & 6 Nuggets combo $8
22/11/22 Big Mac & 6 Nuggets Combo $9
23/11/22 6 Nuggets $4
24/11/22 Big Mac & Cheeseburger Combo $8
25/11/22 McChicken $4
26/11/22 10 Nuggets $6
27/11/22 2x Big Mac Combos $12
28/11/22 Double Cheeseburger combo $7
29/11/22 Big Mac Combo $7
30/11/22 Bic Mac & Cheeseburger Combo $8

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Sick. Was wondering if NZ would be doing it this year. Didn't happen last year.

    NZ 2020 version
    AUS 2022 version(

  • Yea, I'll keep an eye on this. Thanks OP.

  • i'm hoping for a free big mac

    • I suspect the best we will get is $3 Big Mac from looking at the Aussie calender

  • +4

    Time to reinstall the McApp and reclog them arteries again.

    • Menulog offer ends tomorrow and maccas start after that, hooray! #choicefatties

      • +1

        my Perfect nutritionist lol

  • +6

    Their prices have rocketed up in the last few years.Even the standard deals are a lot more . So hope these deals go back to pre covid prices.

    • Yeah, I used to remember an ice cream cone only cost 70c back in 2019. Now it's $1.50 to $1.70

    • Nope most of these days aren't even deals. Compare it to the Aussie list and it's pretty funny.

  • +2

    Waiting on a maccas employee to take a pic of the whole months deals.

      • +1

        At least in previous years it was a poster in store. No way it's only known to corporate. At a minimum managers in each store needs to know, remember many of them are franchises and I suspect even in company stores it's someone actually in the store who handles ordering stock etc. So only way they can ensure they have enough stock to handle order surges for the day's deals is if someone at the store knows. And my understanding the McDonald's is one of the better franchises. Whereas some others seem to randomly come up with deals without telling the stores or maybe they do but its lost in other communication that isn't important, I don't think McDonald's is quite that bad. I suspect depending the deal some stores may want to roster more staff too and while theoretically corporate could communicate in a more roundabout fashion (we're expecting high volumes for the deals on November X, moderate on), it seems easier for managers to just know what the deals are especially since some deals may affect certain stores more than others. (And even if managers can't work it out, and to be fair the precise deals have varied of the years, easier for corporate to say 'not our fault' when they told the store the upcoming deals.) And on the day of the deal, likely the whole kitchen needs to know. Yeah they could just post details on the day, but easier for them if they just post it in advance.

      • +3

        I have the poster at my work for this year and I’m only crew member.

        • +1

          can you take a photo and upload it?

  • +21
    • Thanks.

    • +1

      Dude that's awesome thanks for sharing, nuggets for lunch tomorrow. OP you got an update to do.

      • +2

        I've given it a go. Shout out if you think I have any of them wrong or if you know what the deal is for the dates I've left blank.

        • Might 7 be a a Quarter Pounder small combo?

  • +3

    Day 1

    Deal available to first 166,667 people to redeem the ‘Free 6 Pack Chicken McNuggets’ deal on the McDonald’s app in New Zealand on 1 November 2022. Deal entitles customer to one free 6 Pack Chicken McNuggets only. Available from 05.00am and 11.59pm on 1 November 2022 only at participating restaurants, while stocks last at individual restaurants or until deal is depleted (whichever is first). This deal may be redeemed only once per customer. One deal or reward per transaction, per visit, not to be used to discount any other deal or reward. Cannot be redeemed for cash and no change given. Deals or Rewards may change without notice. Excludes McDelivery®

    • A bit strange for them to start with the chicken nuggets, given that there's a long-running shortage of frozen nuggets at supermarkets.

      • This batch was from the cancelled event due to last year's lockdown? lol

      • Maybe they've been hoarding them fearing their supplier would have to limit demand and someone pointed out they now have way too many in stock?

  • Do you just show the app when you want to redeem? How do you know which restaurants are "participating", if they still have stock or they haven't used up the quota?

    • you just go out of your way and find out really.

    • Redeeming the offer in the app will give you two options; QR code if in-store, code to say to the operator if drive through.

      Guess if you really wanted to know, you could call the store prior to going.

    • +2

      Usually "participating restaurants" mean all restaurants except those inside airport terminals.

    • Thanks all for your help.

  • +1

    check how many points you have on the maccas app
    I had enough to throw on a free big mac as well

    • Can you redeem the free nuggets and an item using points in the same transaction? Or do you have to do those as separate?

      • +1

        I had to do them separately in the last major offer, unless I'm doing it wrong.

      • +2

        Separately. You can only enter one offer code per order.

  • +1

    Day 2: Big Mac small combo

    Available between 05.00am and 11.59pm today only at participating restaurants or while stocks last at individual restaurants. The daily deal is only available for the time advertised and can be redeemed only once per customer. One deal or reward per transaction, per visit, not to be used to discount any other deal or reward. Cannot be redeemed for cash and no change given. Deals or Rewards may change without notice. Excludes McDelivery®

  • +1

    Judging by the cheese pixel's position corresponding to the quarter pounder vs cheeseburger, I think the 13th is a double quarter pounder combo and the 17th is single quarter pounder combo + cheeseburger :D

  • tomorrow is cheeseburger for 2 bucks can u buiy more then 1 for 2 bucks each

    • +1

      i be it will be only one.

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