Came across maxicosi car seat in Farmers clearance section. Looks like a further reduction on clearance price.
Quick Google shows next available price $499 @ Babybox(
So seems like a decent deal. Probably due to phased out model. Seems like titan plus replaced this model.
The Titan is first used with a 5-point safety harness to fasten the child (Group 1 - 9-18kg), before becoming a Group 2-3 (15-36kg) booster that uses the regular 3-point car seatbelt.
- The Titan is ready for children from 9 months up to 12 years old.
- Multi-age forward facing use suitable from 9 months to 12 years (9-36kg)
- Easy headrest adjustment
- 5 forward facing recline positions
- ISOFIX and top tether connection (for 9-18kg)
- Booster mode uses 3 point seat belt (for 15-36kg)
- Cosy padding and cushioned inlay provide extra comfort
- 5-point harness for best restraint of toddler up to 18kg
- Removable and machine washable seat covers
- Meets ECE R44 safety standard
Thanks! I didn’t buy the car seat but they have heaps of other great deals on baby clothing :)