I'm looking for a foldable duffel bag, something that is sturdy enough to be used as checked-in luggage when required, but when not required can be folded and kept in a suitcase. So far the most highly-rated thing I've come across is the Macpac Duffel bag. Has anyone used it, or has used something that they'd recommend? Thanks.
Foldable Duffel Bag

Wow, that bag costs almost as much as my main suitcase :).
Funny you ask, I looked around for months before we went to Hawaii with the intention of each returning with a second bag of shopping and could find nothing suitable. The size we wanted all had wheels which do not fold small enough or are light enough. Anyhow at the Aloha market picked up two lovely duffels for $US17 each 1.1 lbs so lovely and light and total dimension 60 inches (total allowable check in 62 inches) so really pleased with my find. Folds to 14x14 inches and about 2 inches thick so should be great for future travel. You may not find one so cheap here but assuming you are travelling overseas check the market places and I am sure you will find what you want. I had intended buying from Walmart but with they are also having the same problems as EnZed with freighting goods.
Samsonite Tote a Ton - I have like 5 of these, they are very strong, ultra light and fold up easily - we use them a lot for travel, they used to be cheap as well like ~20 USD - you can get them on amazon - they come shipped in a small box.
Thanks. Is there any chance you could please send a photo of the bag folded sitting in a suitcase (or with something for scaling purpose)?
Please don't worry about this. I've seen on a YouTube clip how small this bag folds to. Cheers.
All good. It folds to like the size of half a shoe box I guess. Maybe less height. But it's a material you can screw up like a ball or lay out. I took 5 in my bag and it didn't really make a big difference.
I have used my original one on at least 10 long haul flights and it looks as good as new.
If you're in Auckland, there may be some at outlets shops, like Adidas or Underarmour, at Dress Mart or the ones at Westgate. The Macpac 50L Duffel Bag is relatively decently priced at the moment at $59.99, though if weight is of concern, it's at 810g. To compare, the other bags mentioned here, Black Hole Duffel 55L is 1,165g while the Samsonite Tote a Ton is 0.45kg.
Of course the lighter the better but I prefer durability in this case, as the bag will need to be checked in for a few flights.
Not sure what size you're after, but a while back I came across this brand and bought this nicer duffel and a running belt. Were half price at Christchurch airport and both items good quality. They do other sizes as well https://dwights.co.nz/products/packable-carry-bag-wild-kiwi
Used this once as check-in baggage for long haul flight and seems to be good.
No experience with the macpac one but I have a Patagonia black hole duffle which I really like. Can be converted to a backpack, used as a duffle or packs into itself (into a cube, not folding flat). Strong good quality. Expensive retail price, i managed to score a near new one off TradeMe.