Hi All,
I am looking for a bike for my 6 yr old daughter. She has a bike (I think the smallest one with side wheels and with brakes in the padel) from warehouse. It is small for her and she hasn't used it much. Also, those brake padel bikes are not good for normal riding anyways. She has still not learned to ride without the side wheels yet.
I took her to those free learn to ride sessions and she is almost there with getting herself balancing and riding without side wheels so now is the time for me to get her an upgrade.
As I am not sure how much she will really use it, don't want to go overboard and spend too much. Budget maybe $200-$300 is good? or should it be higher or lower than that?
Where and which bikes are recommended ? I was looking at Torpedo and 99bikes. Any other place I could look at (Auckland)?
For 2nd hand bikes are there any places other than FB & trademe?
Thanks & Happy holidays everyone.
I'd be inclined to start with the cheapest bike her size that you can find. TWH has kids bikes regularly well under $100, but they may be harder to find at this time of year. If she uses it all the time you can upgrade her to a better bike later, if not then your investment in her riding a bike is minimal. Not all kids will enjoy riding a bike, my oldest daughter never really got into it.