1/2 price deals with the return of a Cheapies favourite.
- Auntie Dai $5.80(countdown.co.nz)
- Fruju 8pk $4.65(countdown.co.nz)
- Sistema (bottle 500ml / 6pk)(countdown.co.nz)
- Moccona Coffee Sachets 20 Pack $7(countdown.co.nz)
1/2 price deals with the return of a Cheapies favourite.
Top dumplings, these
Sistema (bottle 500ml, 6pk)
I guess you mean $6
Two items available: 500ml bottle and the 6-pack.
Fruju 8 pack - $9.30 or two for $15 @ Countdown Wellington (New Town)
EDIT: I see it's from Mon 16 Jan…
Moarrrrr Dumplings!!
These are sooo good!!
the only dumplings my 3 kids touch, other brands nope
Interesting. I would say these are decent for regular supermarket dumplings especially at this price but they're not spectacular either. Many of the Asian supermarket dumplings are better e.g. Wonderful, Yummy (brands available probably depend significantly on area and store but these are ones I've tried that I remember). And compared to the regular price of these from Countdown they're not more expensive either. (Again likely depends significantly on the store, also Countdown has sales of Auntie Dai's less then 50% that complicates price comparisons. Still if anyone is buying them at normal prices you might want to look around and see if these are really the best.) I also wonder whether Old Country (which are sold at some Pak'n'Save and New Worlds) might be at least comparable to these although I've never tried them myself.
Thanks for the heads up OP. Haven’t tried the dumplings before, glad I will be able to fir half price! Love the grapefruit fruju - wish they were in stock for this 😞
Try and get in early as they sold out quick last time, and it took a little while for them to restock
I got $5 packs of fruju from papamoa paknsave yesterday. Maybe some already matching sale?
Nah, that's been Pak'NSave's price all week. The dumplings and the coffee are the best deals here
Don't forget the extra 5% cashback if you use your Dosh card
Or put a grey wig on, steal your grandpas Gold Card, and go in on Tuesday 🥷
Alright bet, how much discount will I get?
How are people cooking these?, I steamed them but they don't convince me
A splash of water plus oil at the same time in a pan. Steaming and frying. Probably not the correct way to cook them, but tastes good to me. Dipping sauce I do approximately 50/50 sweet chilli and soy sauce.
I prefer them cooked that way as well, then drowned in Chiu Chow chilli oil with a splash of soy sauce.
I just cook em in boiling water. Prefer steamed dumplings at home.
Pan fried for a while, then pour some water and cover for a few minutes. This is the way.
I generally either steam or pan fry. Others have suggested how to pan fry, but the packet has instructions anyway.
only 3 vege ones are left in st lukes… how do i get hold of these?
If you're not in a rush to get these you could try @Huntakillaz trick.
"Pro Tip: Order on Saturday/Sunday for the following week and you're more likely to get the items due too the specials changing.for the new week. but they still have to honor the price you got it for"
200iq… will give this a go :)
Good tip. Though in this case it would be coming Saturday/Sunday, not the one just passed. (It would still have been $10.80 yesterday)
I went to Lynnmall at 8:30am this morning and there were only 2 Pork ones left. Probably will get restocked but I'm 100% sure the staff put aside a ton for themselves
I asked the staff and a few have them aside out back.
There were like 10 at my local, staff said check in the morning.
I assume the vege are the worst ones.
I think the vegetarian ones are fine but I'm not surprised they tend to be the least popular in these deals given people's general preferences and also perceived value. Note that the vegetarian ones are also not made in NZ I think, the packet says Made in Taiwan although it's generally crossed out nowadays. But I've never been sure if that's because they're no longer made there or it's some weird attempt to avoid any political sensitivities given the use of Taiwan.
@andreww also more loads come throughout the week :)
I was in Mt Eden around 8.30am and the chest freezer was full of them. Stacked to the brim. I noticed there was none in the vertical freezers but heaps in the end display unit. Check both :)
I got 10 from Porirua and my friend got 14 packs from kilbirnie, still heaps left
I just noticed this today but the deal includes Auntie Dai's Pork Siu Mai as well. They're the same price, a little more expensive per weight than the pork or chicken dumplings although prawn ones are close in weight. However siu mai have a lot more meat so the price is fair IMO. Haven't tried Auntie Dai's Siu Mai before but I personally prefer siu mai to dumplings. I think these might be new as I first notice them a month or two ago in Lincoln Road so not sure if they've been in the deal before.
BTW about stock levels, tonight both Lincoln Road and Henderson seemed to have a lot of stock of the pork and garlic chives and fair amount of stock vegetarian. Henderson had fair amount of stock of prawn too. I think no stock of the pork and coriander. I think also no stock of the chicken and coriander although I didn't know these existed until right now (or maybe I saw them once then forgot about them since likely not that different from pork and coriander). From photos elsewhere they seem to be the same colour packet as the prawn so I might have gotten confused but I have some photos and the photos all seem to be the prawn.
I didnt see the dumplings at my local, but im curious to try them. Stock is normal at st johns
The Siu Mai are good! Had for the first time this morning.
Tons left everywhere. I've started using the work freezer as my overflow
Premo. Need more dumplings.