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ASUS RT-AX56U AX1800 Wi-Fi 6 Router $158.79 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Have been looking for upgrading my Orbi AC mesh to Asus AI Mesh with wifi 6 support since some time. After lots of research decided on ASUS RT-AX86U Pro AX5700 or GT-AX6000 as the primary router (waiting for a deal). And was looking for a wifi 6 compatible satellite to go with it. Saw this deal on Ozbargain(ozbargain.com.au) which is great for my needs.

So thought maybe it might be useful for fellow cheapies.

Brand ASUS
Series RT-AX56U
Special feature Access Point Mode
Frequency band class Dual-Band
Wireless Type 5 GHz Radio Frequency, 2.4 GHz Radio Frequency

About this item

  • Supporting the latest Wi-Fi standard 802.11AX (Wi-Fi 6) and 80MHz bandwidth
  • Built for multi-device households
  • Increase capacity and efficiency
  • Commercial-grade security for your home network
Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • Hmmm interesting, never knew you could do this. From my quick glance, can you link all the routers up together to better cover your household coverage? I also have a older model of ASUS - (https://www.asus.com/us/networking-iot-servers/modem-routers…) do you know if this would support the same? Although this would mean I have to purchase another Asus router as I only have another Huawei one or Netgear one laying around.

    • I would say it's one of the best mesh around, when you set it up properly. Not out of the box but if done right it's top notch.

      More details here https://dongknows.com/best-aimesh-routers-and-combos/

    • No, I don't think the router you linked has AI mesh capability. Even if it did, I would not recommend going for a mesh using that.

      • OK thanks mate.

  • Very tempted to grab a pair, I want topve to 2degrees and the orbi satellite being $250 makes me think a pair of these is worth the slightly extra cost. I like the Asus router stuff gave me a few years back, good enough for all I used it for without being overly complicated.

    • Orbi one from 2degrees is not that great. I think Electric kiwi provides the same one which I got and on-sold it. Pretty average reviews. This one is way better if you have a wired backhaul for mesh. Plus all the AI protection and Parental controls all free for life.

      • Yeah I'm running a pair of tenda MW6 as access points with wired backhaul and using the skinny routers 2.4 band for my smart devices to keep them off the tendas as the 2.4 on that is a bit odd. Thinking with this I can have a distinct ssid for 2.4 and 5 to make it easier.

        The biggest gripe with the orbi is it's $250 for the satellite, I can get a pair of these for not much more. I'll get them to send me the orbi as it's worth $15 just in case I have problems and they won't help me.

        • Might wanna try FB/trade as many are selling there free routers. I sold mine for $100. But if you plan for long term, Asus is the way to go rather than orbi.

          I currently have older Orbi RBR20 with 1 satellite(wired) and get decent speed but once in awhile it struggles with switching between the router/node when moving around house which reduces the speed quite a lot. Only way to get back normal is switch om/off wifi on the device.

          • @ace310: You can't use a second orbi router as a satellite though, the satellites are harder to come by as they tend to be packaged in with the router at retail.

            I'd only get it from 2degrees purely as they just won't help you if you don't have it and it's a good fallback if all goes to hell to chuck it in for testing and to get yourself back online. If it's free or cheap I would always recommend everyone purchase the providers router for this reason alone.

            I've got a lot of low use smart devices that I'm suffering with the wifi dropping some of them off the network intermittently, it concerns me the orbi also says 24 device limit, it's not enough if I continue adding smart home stuff.

            • @Everettpsycho: I agree with this - I always prefer to have the connection to the ISP use their router, and I just plug my own stuff in to theirs.

              If I don't want to use their router to connect to the ISP, I keep it around in case of any issues - if replacing mine with their router / modem solves the problem, then it is my issue, but if not, then I can cal the ISP and they will be willing to help. If they want to reset their kit, it doesn't matter much to me, as normally the only config I have is to forward everything from their kit to mine.

            • @Everettpsycho: If you want satellites I can help you if you want.

              • @Bill: Could be interested but definitely depends on pricing. The Asus pair is more a known quantity as I've had one in the past. If there's not a big price difference I think I'd prefer to go with what I know, $250 at spark for a satellite is why I'm thinking a pair of these would be the preferred option.

                • @Everettpsycho: How much would the Asus choice cost you? Are you going for a different primary router as it seems like this type can be used interchangeably as a router or a satellite?

                  • @Bill: I would say if you are having 300mb plan and a small house 2-3bedrooms, 2 of this should be enough. And as per the reviews of orbi, this will be better.

                    • @ace310: Both the ax1800's should be capable of handling gig speeds. The 5ghz band is 1gb+? For only 2-3 bedrooms i would say a satellite isn't even necessary.

                    • @ace310: I agree mostly, depending on the house layout and where the primary router is at.

                      • @ace310: Oh yeah, that's right. Mine is in the centre but if chorus put the ONT on the edge you kind of got screwed over.

                        What's the benefit of getting an AX5700 or GT-AX6000 as the primary? They seem more suited for multi gig speeds.

                        • @Bill: AX5700 or AX6000 has more bandwidth to handle more devices compared to this one. Plus multi-gig speed helps for internal lan network where I serve plex streams to multiple devices.

                          Wi-Fi specs: 3×3 AX on the 2.4GHz band (861Mbps) and 4×4 AX on the 5GHz (4804Mbps).

                          AX1800 only has 2x AX on both 2.4 & 5Ghz, so overall speed is less.

                          Check the matrix in the GT-AX6000 review(dongknows.com)

                  • @Bill: Oh, I see what you're looking for. You can get a rental from 2D and need another access point. Or go for 2 of these Asus. is this right?

                    $250 orbi satellite vs $320 asus X2

                    • @Bill: That was exactly what the choice was. There is option 3 which could be just buy a good router and stick it on the middle. Luckily I specced 2 Ethernet ports to each room so I'm flexible on location for the router. I have the tendas from a house that had awful reception so use them at each end of the house as that's where we spend all our time, at that distance apart it covers the outside really well too and we have no dead zones at all, I think centralising is would mean I lose signal in the garden. It wired backhaul do sitance between nodes doesn't matter as much.

                      Speed wise the tendas are fine, they are maxing out my 300/100 connection as it's only really phones using that network. If I can cable it I've cabled it to remove traffic. It's the 2.4ghz band on the skinny router I've left on that's causing me problems with smart devices coming and going. Based on the spec sheet I feel like the orbi would perform even worse. Figure as I'll buy one of these is a good time to upgrade it all to wifi 6 and a single system instead of splitting it out.

            • @Everettpsycho: Aah yes, totally forgot about router/satellites can't be interchanged in Orbi.

              Device limit is one of the reason I am moving away from Orbi.

      • The orbi one is working fine for me. I'm using wired backhaul as well. I can get max speeds on fibre 300 at the satillite. Controls are a bit lacking but I suspect they are hidden in the gateway rather than the app which I cant access cause I forgot my password.

        • Yes for 300 speed it's fine if you have less than 25 or so devices connected, not for giga fibre. I have giga fibre and around 40 devices around house. So it struggles sometimes.

          Orbi app is useless. It does nothing other than listing devices.

  • +1

    Thanks Op - brought one as a future satellite.

    If you happen to find a good deal on the primary broadcaster you mentioned - please post? Easier to follow someone who has done all the reading.

    Thanks also for the link - spend far too much time reading it before deciding to just follow your post advice :)

    • +1

      As mentioned, I am looking for ASUS RT-AX86U Pro.

      Bit of discussion I had on Ozbargain(ozbargain.com.au)

  • +1

    While not for everyone.. there are other options such as xiaomi ax3200 with openwrt support.

  • Thanks for posting Ace! The GT-AX6000 is on sale at playtech for 559nzd + shipping brand new. Not sure if that's an amazing deal or not but according to pricespy it could be a historical low.
    Link: https://playtech.co.nz/products/rog-rapture-gt-ax6000

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