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Slash and Dash Urinary Device: 2 for $5 or Free with Double Pizza Purchase @ Hell Pizza


Introducing the Slash and Dash… This device challenges the status quo and provides every Kiwi with the right to pee conveniently and in any situation. Made from biodegradable materials, this take-anywhere, go-anywhere urinary device gives you the freedom you’ve never known. Each pack contains 2 x Slash & Dash.

I have so many questions…

Free with double pizza. Use code IPFREELY or URIN8

Credit bigcheese

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Hell Pizza
Hell Pizza

closed Comments

  • +1

    Looks like a bit of cardboard in the shape of a funnel.

  • +1

    which pizza goes best with this sides?

    • +3


      • +1

        or Underworld

    • anything with pineapple

  • +1

    are they repurposed chips holders?

  • +3

    You're taking the pi*s….

  • Makes it seem like Hells Pizza are having financial difficulty.

    Nek minnit:

    Then after that they'll start letting drop shippers list products. "Do you need a 40c phone charger with your pizza?"

    • +1

      That's a really poor assumption

  • This is a re-hash of the "she-wee" that popped up back in the 2000s. $2.50 each so women can stand up and pee? Seems excessive….

  • +1

    Get 2x Slash & Dash for free with any Double Pizza purchase. Use code URIN8.
    While stocks last. One code/order. T&Cs apply.

    Can also use code: IPFREELY

  • What? Just get a shewee if you're a lady (…). And if you're a guy, you're already a point and shoot you don't need any of this

    • +1

      Not every guy has a dick

      • username doesn't checkout

    • Pew pew

  • Yep, $2.50 each for a (surely?) single use pee funnel is definitely overkill. And where exactly would a woman use this? In a men's bathroom? Against a tree at the park? On the side of the road? I'd really like to hear from some women to know whether this is actually something someone might conceivably use.

    So many questions indeed.

    • +3

      I have a durable plastic (I think?) one for hiking/camping. Great for ducking behind a bush to pee without needing to completely remove your pants. Also great for our often disgusting public toilets/long drops in remote areas when you don't want to sit on a filthy seat.

      I wouldn't bother with a single use cardboard one though.

      • Cool! Thanks for sharing. I agree the cardboard one is a bit weird.

  • +1

    there are so many things Hell Pizza could decide to sell to complement their pizzas, and they chose this?

    • you could use this as a ice cream sleeve.

      • +1

        Not afterwards 🤮

        • well it would be more environmentally friendly.

  • Instructions(
    How To Gain Freedom You’ve Never Known

    Firstly, let's not forget the all-important manspread! Position your feet approx. 1m apart, and as an act of proud defiance, squeeze your buttocks and thrust that pelvis forward… You've never been more ready!

    Enclose your coochie from gooch to peehole within the Slash & Dash. But don't get caught with your knickers down! There's no need to bare all your assets because now you can finally pee with your clothes on; just make some room down there to avoid spillages, alright?

    Use the spout to aim your stream behind rocks, bushes, trees, down alleyways, into the wind; you name it!

    If you experience stage fright, just take a deep breath and think of running water.

    Relax and release while thinking thoughts of power, liberation and total world domination. Don't forget that smug smile as you do your business…finish with a slight nod of self-approval as the end of your stream nears.

    When finished, pull the funnel forwards to wipe and catch any drips. And finally, let's break convention by washing your hands.

  • +1

    I got code PEEFECT

    but paying for cardboard is dumb af, its probably aimed at the girls/women for the drunk nights

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