In the market for a new AV receiver and noticed that in the states Costco carry them. Does anyone know if Costco here also does, and even better if they have much of a range? I've not been in to the store yet, but if they have them I'll borrow a card and go for a look.
What's Costco's home-theatre range like?

Cheers, that's exactly what I needed to know.
They also check if the credit card cardholder matches the Costco membership card.
This thread is from over a year and a half ago and you're not correct, or at least they've not checked any of the half a dozen times I've been.
You can sign up, go have a look and if you don't like it, you can get your membership refunded.
I think the costco bulk US stuff might be US specific due to their 120V system. Even if they have switchable 120v/240v receivers it's probably a hassle for them to swap everything out with NZ wall plugs. (Illegal to sell electrical products with US plugs here. Even if they provide an adapter) So with all that I'd imagine their electrical range is pretty limited compared to USA
Had a quick look at the Onkyo and denon receivers they have. Both are 120V. They couldn't sell them here.
To add. Generally the NZ store will follow the AU store (which has online shopping) in terms or range.…I've been to Costco quote a few times with the trips being food focused, but I've browsed the tv section a few times quickly and I haven't seen any AVRS. The first time I went I was looking for them out of curiosity to see if they'd stock the newer denon ones or not, but I didn't see any. Also haven't seen any posted in the Facebook group which I check daily lol.
I'm after a projector that is listed on the Aussie Costco site (a Hisence C1). Anyone know if this make/model is available in the Costco NZ store? I've checked their webpage but there appears to be only a limited number of items displayed - do you have to join Costco to see their full inventory online?
They don't have an online catalogue at all, the best you can do is to check the Facebook community, as they post up a lot of photos of what's on offer
Wrong place for that sort of thing, they only do the basics, and the electronics range is small
You won’t be able to borrow a card, as the card has a photo of the holder on it. To be fair they’re a little lax on checking it’s you at the entrance, l but absolutely check closely at the checkout.
I was there a couple of days ago, and range was limited. Mostly a few sound bars (JBl/Panasonic) and that was about it.