Seems to be the cheapest price. Lowest price is $429 on other websites.
Price Spy link below:
Seems to be the cheapest price. Lowest price is $429 on other websites.
Price Spy link below:
Yeah I get ya. I just have to write it how it is now because half the people on here probably have MarketClub+ (for the next nine years) thanks to Voda.
ah i see watchu mean lol
Great AirFryer if anyone is on the fence about it. Very quiet and large enough to do a decent amount of food in compared to smaller model.s
Thanks for the positive review, just bought my first airfryer :)
@Wakrak how to become MarketClub+ member again plz? Without paying for a membership fee?
Maybe get another Vodafone simcard and see if you can join again here?(
No guarantees.
@Wakrak Noted with thanks
Thanks. Just ordered! :)
Thanks, finally decided to try one of these things with this deal
Got this on Boxing Day for around $185. It's been great, silent and user friendly. The presets seem reliable.
If I was to do it all again, I might have paid more for a dual fryer just to save doing 2 loads of back to back air frying. Regardless, very happy with the XL essential so far.
Both deals require MarketClub. Free shipping with MarketClub+. And should give credit to the original deal. Probably could have posted both deals in one post.