A friend of mine who is selling some items on FB marketplace, fell for the PayPal scam in which the ‘buyer’ accidentally transfers some extra money into my friends PayPal account and asks for that extra money to be returned via a bank transfer. This was naively done even though there was no extra money in their account.
They have screenshots of the whole conversation, the fake emails and the name and bank account number of the account they transferred to which appears to be an ANZ account (prefix 04).
They’ve tried contacting their bank (ASB) who says nothing can be done since they initiated the transfer and that more than 24 hours (happened on 15/02) have passed.
A police report has been file but no action will be taken due to a lack of resourcing.
Other than making this an expensive lesson learnt, is there anything else that can be done in this situation?
I fell for a scam on FB a while back. In terms of anything that will be of benefit to your friend, based on my experience, the answer is no.