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[PS4, PS5, XB1, XSX, Switch] Games from $5 each + Shipping / $0 CC @ EB Games


Clearance games for $5 each, including PS5, Xbox series X and Nintendo switch.

$5 from 109.99

$5 from $89.99

These games are also good to use as trade ins towards other games and you often get more than $5 back for PS5 and Series X games.

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  • EG Games?

  • Thanks :) got steel rising and valkire.

    Seems that PS4 valkire has a free ps5 upgrade, I missed ps5 so got the PS4 one after googling that.

    • +2

      I managed to get these 6 but kinda regret not getting steel rising oh well probably wouldnt have played it anyways

      Xenoblade Chronicles 3 $19
      The DioField Chronicle PS5 $5
      XIII Switch $5
      Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader Switch $5
      Hokko Life Switch $5
      Valkyrie Elysium PS4 $5

      • Good haul! That will keep you busy for when there is a game drought.

  • Oh these cheeky sods. I bought Session for $29 when it went on sale this Monday, and now it is suddenly $5 on clerance 3 days later.

    Good idea about the trade in. They often do 'trade 2 next gen games and only pay $49 for certain new release games'.

    • +1

      I asked about that once. There's a "list" they follow with that rule, and the only ones they will accept are newer games. Basically don't expect to trade in 2 old PS5 games to get the newest PS5 game.

      I hate that EB is not transparent about this stuff

      • As of Elden Ring trade-in time, eligible games were any game on the specified platforms that has a base trade in value of $10 or more.

    • +2

      Lucky you got 7 days to return it :)

  • +6

    Thanks :) bought xenoblade chronicle 3. Can't believe it's on clearance already. the game was released last year

    • -1

      That definitely feels like one you could resell for a tidy profit.

      • keep an eye on Trademe!

        • Yeah i bought a copy since it was so cheap even though i already own it just hoping to sell it for a profit

    • bought it as well

    • This shows up as $19 right?

      • +1

        Yep. Just got confirmation email to pick up. Card charged $19 for that

    • Just got a shipping confirmation, so it looks like it went through. Missed the rest but this is probably the best deal.

  • Dang my xenoblade chronicals order for delivery just got cancelled.

    • Cannot place order now

  • Stocks seems very limited, I bought a Switch game and got an e-mail saying they couldn't find the item.

    • what game did you order i ordered 6 games including 4 switch games and all have shipped although i ordered at like 9:30 am this morning so i was probably one of the first to order

  • Wow, what a steal on Xenoblade, ordered, though now seeing the comments saying some got cancelled? guess we'll see, but at that price how could I not try, only semi-recently finished the first game last year and started the 2nd but fell off it with various other games to play but I'll hold onto the 3rd if I can!

  • Link now lists no results. I guess they sold out of everything

  • They were all available again this morning. I nabbed all the PS5 ones and the only one cancelled was Vertigo

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