Beard Trimmer Recommendations

Hey all, looking for recommendations on good beard trimmer.

Doesn't need to be able to do haircuts or shaving etc, just beard trimmer.

Would prefer to keep under $100 if possible. Any recommendations? Looks like Noel Leeming have a few options on the CSCBG discount so if anyone has any experience with those perhaps?


  • I have an older version of this -… and it has served me well. Previously had a remington tool but this is much better in my opinion.

    • Good to know. There weren't many reviews online - most are just purchasing reviews saying it didn't last but those types of reviews aren't too helpful in small numbers as only the issues appear there, no one with a good unit bothers posting lol

      • I have that exact model and very happy with it. Can recommend.

    • I have that from about 3-5yrs or something works very well, BT5240 model or similar looking with that blue
      Shove the whole thing under the tap for a quick rinse, dry off on your towel after and its good.

  • I've gone through a number of different Philips and Remington trimmers over the years with mixed success.
    Currently using this one:…

    It's been fantastic, best I've used yet. Battery lasts me a couple of months easily and it's 'waterproof'.
    It doesn't necessarily look it in the pictures but the build quality is a step above the equivalent price Braun/Remington.

    • Might have to pop in store and check out this one, and the VS Sassoon Metro that is mentioned below and see what I think. Cheers mate!

  • I have been using VS Sassoon Metro Groom All In 1 Trimmer( for 2+ yrs and happy with it. Have gifted it couple of times and all have liked it and are using it. Bought it around $50, currently for $59 so a good deal.

    It's waterproof and battery last ages so it's well worth for me.

    Edit: I trim to the lowest setting available so can't say for other trim sizes but it's consistent for sure.

    • Briscoes( is having it for $49.99. Maybe add something and use $10 off code.

      • cheers for the feedback, will go in store this week and check it out, along with the VS Sassoon Expert that was mentioned above by 19th

    • Currently available for $89.99.

      • +1

        Briscoes is still at $49.99. $66 with csc code at NL.

  • Hey mate,

    Could recommend u to surf the AliExpress platform. There's plenty of good stuff there (by Xiaomi for instance, for this purpose).

    1. h t t p s://

    2. h t t p s://

    Free delivery, but import tax not included, of course. Anyway, still less than 60 bucks each…👍🏻

    Cheers! 👋🏻

    • Yeah I get stuff from AliExpress all the time, but was looking for recommendations. Have you personally used either of these?

      • I've got a couple of items of this kind (none from the links above) by Xiaomi from Ali. ENCHEN Humming bird & ENCHEN Boost. Never complained about them, though I wouldn't recommend them for beards.

        Waiting for the trimmer from the 1st link at the moment, so cannot tell you if it can suit you for that purpose or not, sorry. 😏

        But the item from the 2nd link will suit any type of beard / moustache. Of that I'm sure. 👍🏻 Have a look at feedbacks, — seems to be the right stuff for you, mate.

        However, in your budget, I guess (less than 60$ incl. import tax) and no need to tell you about the quality by Xiaomi, I believe. 😏

        The only issue by them for me — delivery waiting time from China🤷🏻‍♂️, though sometimes they can be pretty quick…😏

        Cheers! 👋🏻

  • If budget is not a problem and you want something fantastic get the Panasonic for professionals hair clipper you can use for any human hair .
    It's extremely good i have tried others like Philips Remington they are ok

      • Yes this is the one i got it from Amazon Germany as it was first available there

      • Do remember this is a hair clipper & not designed for beards. Main reason I went with VS was minimum length was much smaller which is what I wanted. Not sure about you, but look at all the comb lengths if that suits your need or not.

        • +1

          Yeah that’s why I checked. It’s also a lot larger than some of the beard options. Having a smaller device would be nicer to use.

          Hoping to get to Noel Leeming this weekend and check out the 2x VS option’s recommend

  • If you just have a big beard and want a robust trimmer that can do a decent job to keep it today then I recommend the beard boss line up:…

    I have a previous version of this model which was sold as a single item and have enjoyed it's simplicity. It is a bid chunky so not recommended for fine line work.

  • Tbh id look into some of the asian trimmers look into the goldfx replicas. If you go something like that then switch the blade to a gamma blade prob cost you about 130 all up(you will get something pretty decent)then get a asian foil(heard some barbers say they are just as good as some of the WAHL products)

  • I bought this one last year:

    It's really good, one of the best shavers I've ever used and I've used many different brands and models. I've never gotten a decent clean shave from most of the shavers and they take ages to shave my face clean, but the OneBlade Pro does a really good job really quickly and easily.

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