Redeem a complimentary LEGO® Pack
Make the most of your visits to Westfield Albany and treat the kids to a complimentary LEGO® pack! Visit our Customer Service desk located at Level 2 to receive yours.
Where: Customer Service Desk
When: Tuesday 18th April - Sunday 23rd AprilClaiming the offer
1. Open the Westfield Plus App and LEGO® offer
2. Scan the QR code and follow the steps to redeem
3. Enjoy your free LEGO® goodies!*Terms and conditions apply. Valid from 18 - 23 April 2023 or until stocks last with a valid Westfield Plus member card. One LEGO® pack per member
Free Kids LEGO Pack (1 Per Child) @ Westfield, Albany (Plus Members)

m83x on 18/04/2023 - 23:13 (128 clicks)
Last edited 19/04/2023 - 00:11 by 1 other user
Last edited 19/04/2023 - 00:11 by 1 other user
Anyone know which set they giving out?