Does anyone have feedback on tracking tiles suitable for phones/keys/etc? I'm looking at this type - but they seem quite pricey:
Tile RE-47004-AP Tile Essentials 4-Pk ( 2 x Mate Black / 1x Slim, 1 x Sticker) Bluetooth location tracker
I would like one with a long lasting battery and compatible with Android.
thanks :)
Tracking Tiles for Phones/Keys

I think ideally you want to stick with one that works with apple or Samsung devices. We got a couple if Samsung trackers and they are quite handy to have and like apples air tags are pinged by any local Samsung phone. The trouble with tile is you're reliant on others installing the app to report your tags location if ymits not nearby. Ak if someone steals it or you drop it in your way to somewhere finding it might not be all that easy.
If you go Samsung don't get the + model. We have one if each and the benefits of the + are only the wideband support to find it using AR, the downside is that feature works for about a week before the battery is too flat to do it anymore and you recent to the basic functions. I'm on my timhird battery in 12 months while the basic one has only chewed through one.
The tile regularly goes on sale. Less than half price sometimes. Do a search of expired deals. I used to use tile. I still have a slim in my wallet because there is no alternative in that form. Lately I have been using eufy smarttrack for everything else. They piggyback on the apple "find my" system. This is better than tile because it links into every other apple product on earth to try and find your item if lost. Tile only links to other people who use tile. The Eufy is basically a cheaper apple airtag. If you have apple products the Eufy option is the best IMO.
I had a 4 pack tile mate, the app requires access to locations at all times even when you are not using the app, and half of the time it doesn't work, tile right next to my phone but can't find it, would suggest go for air tag/Chipolo if you use iphone or samsung tracker.
I used a Chipolo tracker for my travels in Jan, and have one on my keys
Works with findmyapp otherwise the app provided.