Cheapest RTX 4070 Ti I've seen, most are around the $1599 mark, and don't drop much on sale.
Similar performance to RTX 3090.
Also comes with Overwatch 2 Ultimate Battle Pass.
Cheapest RTX 4070 Ti I've seen, most are around the $1599 mark, and don't drop much on sale.
Similar performance to RTX 3090.
Also comes with Overwatch 2 Ultimate Battle Pass.
Too expensive for its performance.
They have just reduced production to keep prices high.
I got the 4080 for $1900 and sold my 3090 for $1700 O.O
3090 is next best after 4090 for some machine learning/ai tasks. Likely why it's keeping its value.
Yes, it sold to an AI company. It was a blower card, that I bought 4-5 months ago for $1300. So worked out well for me.
The real win here might just be the 3060Ti @ 599:…
Could it be time to finally upgrade my 8 year old 970?!
"Just keep going! The new tech is just around the corner! It's only 5 generations behind…!"
^ Run the above argument every time you get the urge to upgrade, like a real cheapie!
Hahaha aye! Exactly how I feel, I was thinking last night about waiting for the 50XX series but the 970 is really struggling to edit 4k. 2 hours to export too ahah
haha, had a good chuckle at that! So true.
not really, the non Ti had 12GB Ram
honestly its still 400$ too expensive for what it is, depressing. thanks for posting