• expired

Shepton Pop Blue Suit and Reas Print Shirt - $114.98 Shipped @ Barkers


Barkers appear to have an error when buying a suit from the outlet. It's meant to be a suit and shirt for $299, but their site just takes $100 off the total. This works particularly best when combining these three items together:

Shepton Pop Blue Jacket(barkersonline.co.nz) - RRP $399.99, now $119.99
Shepton Pop Blue Trouser(barkersonline.co.nz) - RRP $199.99, now $59.99
Reas Print Shirt(barkersonline.co.nz) - RRP $119.99, now $35.99

So total should be $215.97, but they take another $100 off this, bringing it down to $114.98 with free shipping.

Various sizes available at the moment.

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closed Comments

  • They've taken it down.

  • Just put through an order for this getup, price is confirmed. Cheers

  • It's been disabled already, that was fast

    • That was fast. I put through my order over a week ago and was all fulfilled and received fine. But seeing as pricing was still up I figured I'd post here.

  • Looks like its all available again

  • Still works but sad my size (smallest one) is no longer available

  • taken down/sold - im too slow once again !

    • Still working if I do it. Many sizes still available in the suit parts, not so many in the shirts. But you can add a different shirt and only comes in a little more.

      • Not seeing it, tried a couple of shirts and its coming in well over $300. Got an updated example?

        edit: figured it out, you cant have any other shirts in your cart, only an eligible one.

  • is the barkers website loading for any of you guys ?

  • Nice deal, thanks!

    Mine arrived this morning. Definitely worth $115.

    Not sure if it's common with Barkers online orders, but the suit looks like it's been folded up and stored under something heavy, so I guess I need to find a cheap dry cleaners now to get all the creases out.

  • The jacket is now sold out so expiring this deal.

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