• long running

Free ‘Do Not Knock’ Sticker for Your Home @ Consumer NZ


Support Consumer NZ’s campaign against door knockers.

I thought originally this deal may be for consumer members only but my friend got some stickers without being a member.

Free printable PDF also available here:

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  • This is already a long running deal I believe

  • I got mine 10 years ago.

  • I got them in Feb this year from Resene Paints - put 2 on the front door and hey presto they actually work. I have security footage of a couple of vendors about to knock, see the signs and then turn around. Satisfying and well worth getting them (depsite the wife saying they are hideous).

    • +2

      I’m with your wife on this one tbh. I would get them if they were more aesthetically pleasing lol.

  • +1

    Kinda wish they put the "salesmen not welcome" bigger and at the top and do not knock" at the bottom. I've had couriers, neighbors etc think they aren't supposed to knock because they didn't read the smaller print at the bottom.

  • +1

    Anyone know if there are stickers/signs to keep the religious people away?

    • +1

      Could get some done up

      From Reddit(reddit.com)

    • +1

      Haven't seen the JW ones since Covid. May be they figured out the heaven don't have any more space and stopped recruiting.

      • +1

        Just drove past some 😁

      • They tend to loiter on the streets now with their pamphlet stands.

  • That awkward moment when they press your doorbell button instead.

    • +1

      Hey the sticker only says, "Don't knock"

      • Someone, a Real estate agent, used that excuse with mine. They said they thought that we just didn't want people damaging the painted door by knocking.

  • I don’t understand the ones who knock anyway! I have two stickers - at about eye level/head height. On my front door. Clear as day. Do the door knockers see them? Nope. And, if they do, then they go ahead and knock anyway.

    And the religious ones seem to think they are exempt! 😩

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