I'm looking for a new zip jacket and have come across a bunch of possum merino blend clothing. It's not very Cheapie so was was wondering if anyone had recommendations or opinions on the material before I go try stuff on.
I see of lot of marketing fluff on how possum fur is lighter and warmer than merino but I'm pretty dubious on whether it amounts to much, especially as it seems it's mainly bought by tourists.
From what I can tell, the materials' properties are (or are claimed to be) :
- merino: odorless, warm, light, somewhat fragile, slow drying, pills
- possum: warmer, lighter, more fragile, more water resistant, softer, doesn't pill
- silk: added in as a natural alternative to nylon - stronger to improve durability, not very breathable
Any advice or validation that I wouldn't be wasting $400+ on a marketing gimmick would be appreciated.
You could contact Merino (there might be a marketing body or similar) and ask them whether they agree that Possum beats Merino by being:
warmer, lighter, more fragile, more water resistant, softer, and not pilling as much
and if they disagree, whether they have any objective research they can point you to that proves / disproves it.