Frozen Roast Chickens

Hi fellow Cheapies.

I wanted to canvas those of you who buy frozen chooks. I have found them to be a delicious and cheap way to feed the family. Well that was until a few weeks ago.

I normally do my shopping at Pak n Save Moorhouse (Chch). they generally stocked maybe 4 to 6 options for frozen whole chickens. A mixture of Tegel and Pams brands. Most of the time there would be one on special. Prices have crept up over the years but recently I'd still be able to find a chook for under $6/kg, often a choice of sizes.

However several weeks ago they reduced their range to one SKU, no specials, and hiked the price. Using the Grocer app I checked the next closest Pak n Save and it's the same thing. We've gone from paying $5 odd a kg up to around $9 overnight! Other chains locally have a better range but similar pricing.

Has anyone else noticed this? Can anyone suggest where to shop to buy whole chicken at reasonable prices? Or is this the new reality???



  • +1

    My wife does 'Price Integrity' at a Supermarket. She says she's having to readjust pricing every day and that prices are constantly rising and significantly so…..

  • I've found the " on special " prices of most thing's have gone up drastically. Much much more then the standard retail prices have risen. Also how much you saved used to be printed on the docket at slack n slave but not anymore. It still comes up on the customer screen at the checkout so I snap a pic before paying. 15% saved used to be average now it's half that. And no more mad days

  • My guess is, the supermarket margins on frozen chickens are low, producer margins low. Much more margin on processed product like the tegel takeaway range but sales have been slow because cost is high. Solution, stop stocking frozen chooks and blame "supply chain issues".

    Do what I did, leave feedback saying you wont buy tegel or ingham product until the frozen chooks are back

  • You have to wonder how many suppliers are profiteering on the food price rise crisis and raising prices just because they can get away with it

  • +4

    Bargainstalker I used to be a small supplier to supermarkets. I can tell you from personal experience that it is not easy to charge a higher price to the supermarkets. During covid, my shipping cost for a container went up from $8000 to $25000. I tried to put in a small increase to mitigate some of that increase. The supermarkets refused to pay it. 8 times out of 10 they will not accept price increases. I leave it to you to draw your conclusions!!

    PS I had to close the business as it became uneconomical.

    • Thankyou for sharing that and educating me. Wow they refused to pay the duopoly really does have power

    • Sad but true. All too often you hear of the heavy arm of the supermarket chain coming down on smaller players.

  • If you've got a big freezer it's worth seeing if you can get a carton of whole chickens instead e.g.…

    • Some horrible reviews for Nawton Wholesale Meats on Google

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