This was posted 1 year 8 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps 100 GB 1-Year Subscription ل.ل356,400 (~NZ$6.85, No VPN Required) @ Adobe for Teachers Lebanon


ل.ل. = Lebanese Pound


  • Click Go to Deal
  • Enter your email address
  • Add your card details
  • Select Teacher and add a school
  • Area of study - Design, Web, Multimedia

All Apps includes over 20 Creative Cloud apps and services. So you can make amazing designs, videos, marketing materials, and more. And keep on growing creatively and building your skills.

Desktop apps

Acrobat Aero (Beta) After Effects Animate
Audition Bridge Character Animator Dimension
Dreamweaver Edge Fireworks Fresco (Windows only)
Illustrator InCopy InDesign Lightroom
Lightroom Classic Media Encoder Photoshop Photoshop Express (Windows only)
Prelude Premiere Pro Premiere Rush

Mobile apps

Acrobat Reader Adobe Express Aero| Behance
Capture Comp Fill & Sign| Fresco
Illustrator Illustrator Draw Lightroom| Photoshop
Photoshop Express Photoshop Fix Photoshop Mix |Photoshop Sketch
Premiere Rush Scan Spark Page |Spark Video

Web apps

Acrobat Online Adobe Express Behance Color
Fonts Lightroom Live Mixamo
Photoshop (Beta) Portfolio Stock


Original deal HotUKDeals(
Australasian version Scrooge McDeal(

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +1

    No go with my Wise card. Charged $6.85 on BNZ debit card.

    If you're stuck on anything, I recommend reading the comments over on OzBargain(

  • +1

    Thank you, $6.70 charged with Westpac


    Link standard to the non-teacher version, came in at NZD16.75

  • +1

    Wise failed
    Amex failed
    Mastercard worked

  • +1

    Got charged 6.79 with ANZ visa debit.

  • Does adobe not accept prepaid visa cards?

  • +1

    So it seems like you can't stop auto renewal without cancelling the plan, and if you cancel the plan you get a refund of the $6 and lose access immediately??! Sounds like they are hoping for the fact that you will forget to cancel your subscription 11 months later?!

    • Yes they've caught me out before and got charged another year coz I wanted to cancel close to the end of the subscription and of course forgot. Awful way to do business

  • Anyone tried this with a prezzy card? A bit paranoid about adobe deciding to charge nz price once they realise im not in Lebanon.

    • Ended up trying anyway with an ANZ debit and it didnt work :(

  • Not working with ASB debit card for me :(.

  • Westpac Visa ok

  • BNZ platinum visa worked.

  • Loophole may have been fixed but can't confirm.

  • Cannot pay with any of my card

  • Not working for me :((((

  • I tried paying with Amex, ANZ Debit, ANZ Platinum and all didn't work yesterday haha

  • Late to the party, was thinking to get 1 because of the generative fill in photoshop

  • +5

    I just got it to work for a full (non-EDU) account at NZD$17.27 at 11:02am on the 25th using the following method with thanks to the guys on the German deal page:

    Use this link( to enter your details as before - making sure to keep the location on Lebanon - if you change this your price will change to whatever region you move to.
    I ended up using my ASB debit Visa card, apparently Wise doesn't support receive payment information that they can process from Adobe. Other forums mention Revolut or Klarna as working, and I was installing the Klarna app when my purchase went through so didn't need to test that avenue.

    You can do the above manually, as this new link points to a version of the site that doesn't wipe entered data, you just have to click a field once a payment has been refused, and then the subscribe button again and it should re-try.
    If you can't be bothered to do it manually, however, you can always incorporate auto-clickers!

    I used AutoIt(, small and safe for this method of autoclicking.
    Once downloaded, open a folder you want the script to live in, right click and select New > AutoIt V3 Script, then in that window that opens enter the following:

    While 1
    MouseClick('left', 900, 935)
    MouseClick('left', 900, 1050)

    With only the coordinates changed to match your screen layout (you can find these coordinates by opening the AutoIt software and going to the mouse tab on the bottom of the window, and then just hovering over the buttons you need to press. You need to do this after the first time you get an error message, it's just a single successful click otherwise) as mine are for a 2560x1440 layout.

    Start the script, sit back and let it run! Took mine somewhere between 70-100 tries I would estimate?

    Once you see the acceptance page turn the script off in task manager (no clickable buttons in the above range for my screen size so could theoretically have left the clicker going while I was away) and uninstall the program if you're worried, and enjoy your Adobe CC!

    Finally there was an Edu link created for this same method( but this wouldn't work with the autoclicker as there's a second page to fill out. I'm happy enough with the full account which hopefully has less chance of being canceled anyway. If you're a glutton for punishment though, go ahead and try this method, might still work!

    • +2

      This eventually worked for me too. Thanks!

      • +1

        Awesome, glad to hear more success!

        I thought it was game over yesterday morning, very happy that I didn't let it go and kept trying…

    • +1

      Worked for me just now. THanks

  • +1

    I can't believe I missed this! :(

    • +2

      You can still get it if you have the patience to click again and again. I used the method mentioned by 535 above. Just 5 minutes ago. Got through at about the 50th try.

      • And you can still get the Teacher price too with this link( . I got charged $6.91 on my BNZ credit card.

  • +2

    A newer deal version has just popped up on OzBargain

    • Def start a new deal since this one has been marked as expired.

  • Got it via the new deal posted at Oz bargain, NZD17.70 on a regular visa after about 50 tries, absolute bargain! Thanks OP

  • I have just been charged by Adobe for this same amount today and im not sure why?, anyone else get this?

    • Think I’ve been refunded. Can’t find it anywhere in my bank transactions. And probably haven’t been charged again because I now have a new card.

      • Yeah I've just searched my transactions and couldn't find anything from Adobe, so maybe I was also refunded and now charged again.

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