This was posted 1 year 8 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

PS5 Disc Console $789 (Save $110) + Shipping / C&C @ The Warehouse


PS5 Console Disc Edition $789. Save $110.

Instore and online at The Warehouse.
Free Click and Collect or $796 delivered.
Strictly one unit per customer.

According to PriceSpy, the lowest previous price in the past two years was $819.

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The Warehouse
The Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +1

    Lowest on Cheapies was $784 but that was from Amazon AU.

    • I figure that would depend on the exchange rate. Also better off having a local warranty with The Warehouse.

    • seems like its back in stock

  • +2

    Looks like too much stock and they try to get rid of it?Still remember how crazy TM price was 2 years ago.

  • +2

    the production level is up, and the consumption is lower now..

    those who wanted to buy, have already bought one…

  • +2

    A few months back you could get a digital/disc 2nd hand for $500-600 a digital sold on TM for $710.
    i want to buy but no games i would want to play right now.…

    • +14

      Yeah when I see people at the supermarket buying oranges I tell them they are better off buying red apples as they are a cheaper price per kg and you don't have to peel them. And red is a nicer colour than orange.

      • -2

        Point I meant to make was this was $820 on launch when an equivalent PC would have been ~$1650. An equivalent PC now would be ~$1050. So PS5 has less draw over PC than it did at launch.

        • Please show me a single brand new PC or parts with a current graphics card for $1050. Consoles are objectively the best value for mid-high end gaming always.

        • Not sure if you're trolling or not. You do realize it's all about the games right? By your logic, nobody should ever buy Nintendo consoles because they never go on sale and are super underpowered. And yet, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is one of the best games ever made, scoring perfect reviews across the board. Sure you can emulate it on Windows, but that's talking piracy and a completely different topic. Not to mention that you'd need to have a decent PC to do emulation AND also have the emulator being developed in the first place. There aren't any emulators that are stable to play PS5 games.

          Also, it's $800 man, that's nothing. If you're trying to argue over $800 on a console that you can game on for years, then the question YOU should be asking yourself is why you're not making a decent salary, instead of trying to "SAVE" money on a couple of hundred dollars. That's pitiful.

          • @NovaAlpha: Half serious half winding up 😂

            Yeah like I mentioned if you want to play an exclusive or play with friends on a game sony doesn't allow crossplay on it's not comparable. If you want to play RDR2 for example, it is very comparable.

            I agree on the Nintendo point since pretty much all their games are exclusive and the available emulators are still crap.

            $1010 for a same spec PC is also nothing by that logic and anyone without a gaming PC is "pitiful". Lmao not sure what you're going for here. I'm saying a same spec PC costs close to a PS5 now, whereas it didn't at launch. So people might want to consider a PC instead. You're on cheapies looking at a product that's dropped $40 after 3 years calling people pitiful for trying to save a buck.

            • +1

              @BJ: "$1010 for a same spec PC is also nothing by that logic and anyone without a gaming PC is "pitiful". Lmao not sure what you're going for here."

              I didn't make that point at all and I don't get what you're trying to say here.

              Anyway, my point is that gaming should be enjoyed across all platforms. You're not a true gamer if you just care about console vs PC war. The other point I was trying to make is that these consoles only need to be paid for once and you get to enjoy them for years to come. If you don't have money to buy consoles AND own a decent gaming PC, then you should consider upskilling yourself and earn a better salary - as "saving" this money isn't really going to save you a lot anyway. Yes this is Cheapies, but as a true gamer, one should simply enjoy a $40 discount on a PS5 instead of bashing it and telling people to play on a PC instead. You're missing the point entirely and therefore your point is moot.

              Also, if Sony didn't discount the PS5 for '3 years' and it's now cheaper than it was before, then of course it deserves a post on Cheapies. Nintendo never really discount their consoles either and so regardless of how underpowered they are, the fact that they are now on sale is still worth posting.

              I own all consoles except Xbox (as I don't like any of the exclusives on it), as well as a Steam Deck and a decent gaming laptop worth about $4600. And I also enjoy mobile games to an extent. My opinion isn't biased unlike yours.

              Also, there's a reason why Steam Deck is so popular. They play PC games but they're obviously way underpowered compared to a decent gaming PC. And they cost bloody $1000. So again, it's not all about price to value for the hardware, it's so much more than that. But it's not like you'd get it.

              • -1

                @NovaAlpha: "Also, it's $800 man, that's nothing. If you're trying to argue over $800 on a console that you can game on for years, then the question YOU should be asking yourself is why you're not making a decent salary, instead of trying to "SAVE" money on a couple of hundred dollars. That's pitiful."

                If $800 is nothing, $1000 is nothing. I don't know why you're so fast to judge peoples livelihoods. I joined cheapies as a student living off -$150 a week burning through savings each year. I'm sure a lot of people into consoles and gaming are younger and not so well off as you to drop $4600 on devices as well as buy games.

                If you're into every exclusive game series it makes sense to buy every console that's bought out studios. If you want to play on the move a handheld is a convenient option.

                "You're not a true gamer if you just care about console vs PC war." I'm not sure why you're trying to gatekeep gaming or create a war. I enjoy playing games when I have the time.

                "these consoles only need to be paid for once" sure, as long as you don't require a $20 monthly subscription to play with friends. PCs also only need to be paid for once. My point is that on launch, the PS5 was good value ie. selling at a big loss. Now (ignoring subscriptions) it is a similar price to buying a PC. In 3 years, buying a PS5 would be a very questionable decision.

                "but as a true gamer, one should simply enjoy a $40 discount on a PS5 instead of bashing it and telling people to play on a PC instead"

                The value of hardware in a PS5 has dropped from around $1650 to $1050. If you just want a machine to play games, spending extra on a better pc is not an option, or you really want to play god of war or something, this is a good deal. Not bashing it or OP.

                Steam deck is a handheld pc with a built in battery, controller, screen, speakers, custom os. Of course it costs more than a ps4 or gtx 1050 pc. It's more comparable to a "gaming" phone or a switch pro if they ever do that. But I don't get why it costs $1k because I'm not a rich true gamer like you ;)

                • @BJ: "If $800 is nothing, $1000 is nothing" - exactly. Which is why I own every console (except Xbox, because I don't really have interests in any of their games), as well as owning a decent gaming PC. I even upgraded my work laptop to a gaming laptop that's about $3500, just because I felt like it.

                  "I'm not sure why you're trying to gatekeep gaming or create a war." - how am I create a war when my entire point since the beginning was about letting people buy whatever they choose to buy? You're the one with the biased opinion here. You're the one who started the debate about console vs PC. You're the one telling people that the discounted PS5 is not worth getting and they should instead spend the money to get a PC. Whereas I've been saying that people can get whatever they want. A true gamer doesn't discriminate consoles or PCs.

                  "PCs also only need to be paid for once" - BS. I doubt you're still using the same PC build you had 10 years ago. One of the main reasons why people get consoles is that the games developed for those consoles are guaranteed to work and perform at a decent level. There's no graphics drivers update or having to upgrade your build every X number of years. The PS2 lasted for 10+ years and still had games released on them during that time.

                  Anyway, I get it. You don't have the money to get a Steam Deck or a PS5 or whatever. That's fine. Stick to your PC. But stop acting tough and trying to tell people what they should spend their money on and saying things like the PS5 aint worth it anymore, according to your standards. I don't think a gamer like you who doesn't own the majority of consoles even have the credibility to make statements like that.

                  Also, everyone has been poor at some stage when they were a student. That is irrelevant. If you actually invest the time to upskill yourself instead of debating why you think a PS5 isn't worth getting in 2023, then perhaps you'd be able to make enough money to not even worry about spending $800.

                  Anyway, my time is important to me and this has been a rather pointless discussion. You can have the last words, I'm done with this discussion.

                  • @NovaAlpha: 1+2: I'm not discrimating against or biased towards platforms. I'd guess most people on Cheapies don't spend $3500 on unnecessary purchases because they feel like it, and many just want one platform to play games on. I'm saying that a PC is a much more appealing option compared to a PS5 than it was 3 years ago. I'm not saying a PS5 is bad or not worth getting, but that for some people's situation, a PC would make more sense at this point in the console cycle (and for others vice versa).

                    3: I'm not. I got my first PC 9 years ago which played GTA SA at 900p. Are you still using a PS3? I haven't touched my PC since the PS5 came out though. I'd hope that consoles have system updates with graphics driver updates to improve performance on new titles. That will be awful if they don't and I'm happy to get free performance gains through updated drivers. Consoles can last 6-10 years and are impressive initially. By the end of their life cycle they are normally extremely poor though. Xbox/ps4 were 1080p 30 until 3 years ago…

                    4: Seems like you don't. I have the money to get all of those, but why would I? My PC performs better than any console, there's no exclusive games I'm particularly interested in, and a portable console isn't something that would make sense for me currently - maybe in the future.
                    I'm not trying to be tough? And people can buy whatever they want, but people who come on Cheapies are often looking to be careful with money not splash it on every console they set their eyes on.
                    I'm not sure why I need to own every console to be able to compare the price/performance of one's that play largely the same titles. I've played on most popular consoles of the last 25 years but if someone had only played on one or two I wouldn't try to gatekeep them out of the hobby. You seem to have some superiority complex going on with this 😂

                    5: Next time I see someone starting study who wants to buy something I'll ask them wtf they're doing. Go get a high paying job and buy everything you see. I wasn't trying to help people like you who have 10k to splash on various gaming consoles. I was trying to help people that are more money conscious and would rather choose a single platform.

                    6: With half a dozen platforms just for gaming, I'm sure it is 😂, I can barely even make a dent in my backlog just on PC

  • Question. Is the ps5 better than the Xbox series X and why? We have a Xbox series s ATM. Which of the 2 hold their value more. Thanks

    • Well, one can simply look at the sales of the PS5 to determine which one is objectively popular. Personally, I think there are better exclusives on the PS5. If I want to play games on the Xbox, I can just get it on Windows. There aren't really any games that I'm interested in that are exclusive to the Xbox alone.

    • I believe xbox series s is quite a lot less performant than series x and both ps5s. Ps is more popular this generation so will tend to be easier to resell.

      If there are any exclusives (eg. God of war on Ps, halo on xbox) that you're itching to play, that may determine your decision (xbox ones are also available on PC if you have one that can run them). If more of your friends are on one platform, that may also lean you one way.

      Performance wise, series x and ps5 are about the same. Xbox's gpu is marginally better afaik, while ps5 has better storage tech, which may shave some fractions of seconds on load times.

      Another major consideration is the controllers. The layouts are different and one may be more comfortable to you. The haptic feedback on the ps5 is more advanced if that's something you like.

    • Ps5 has more games, but Xbox has very cheap games. E.g Xbox game pass and cheap buying games in turkey

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