Z Sharetank Cheapest Fuel Price

Hey everyone,

Does anyone know where the cheapest Z Sharetank fuel is at the moment?

I'll be travelling around NZ from top to bottom, and wanted to buy some before they increase back up in Auckland.


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Z Energy
Z Energy


  • +1

    Install the gaspy app, you can change the location to check prices around the country.

  • Bethlehem is $224.9 without the 10c discount day

  • Z Heretaunga street Hastings is $215.9 currently. Matamata is also $222.9.

  • I'm on the hunt too. I'm wanting to buy 1000L at the cheapest price

  • Quote from Z web site. "We scan every Z service station within 30kms of your location to bring you our lowest pump price. Yep – value now finds you".
    So, although you can use it nationwide, you only have 30km within your area/region to find a Z station and to fill Sharetank!
    Also, you don't get Flybuys 6c off when buying on Sharetank.
    Try NPD stations for your petrol. They are always cheaper in Dunedin.

  • Z Pukekohe is $2.159 today according to Gaspy.

    • Shows 2.39 just now

    • Argh, missed the Pukekohe price. It looks like the current best price is Z Sanson $2.219

  • Z Sanson $2.219 before any discounts for 91. That's the cheapest price in NZ at Z but not sure if any other stations share the same price

  • Was able to use Fake GPS Location app to access Samson price for about 2 mins and they detect it. Try to do it again but not luck, should have check out and pay immediately. Anyone know a way to do this?

    • +8

      On a PC,
      - install Bluestacks 5 and run it
      - set the GPS location (icon on the right) to Sanson
      - install Z app and login
      - fill sharetank


      • +1

        Thank you so much hey, Honestly it aint easy out here but when legends like you put this info down it for sure makes a huge difference. ecspecially when we have to do 1000+Kms a week. So Thank you ehoa.

        • Glad to hear that it helped!

          I learnt that Bluestacks worked by reading other posts on here, so we just need a better way to share instructions on how to use it :-)

          • @Harebrainedkiwi: There is also something very similar that gets it working on an android phone.

    • +5

      Z app checks for both root and mock location settings on your phone. You need to hide root from Z app, as well as hide the mock location setting so that Z app doesn't see you're spoofing the location. In order to hide the mock location setting, you'll need to root your device and install a Xposed module to hide it.

      Below is an advanced guide. You can Google how to root and how to use Shamiko etc. I'm not gonna bother going in-depth here, this is just a basic instructions list and there are plenty of ways to achieve this on both iOS and Android, root or without root, as well as using emulators.

      1. Uninstall and reinstall Z app. Do NOT launch it yet
      2. Root your phone using Magisk v26.
      3. Hide Magisk
      4. Install LSPosed Zygisk
      5. Install Shamiko
      6. In Magisk, do not enforce denylist. Shamiko will be handling this.
      7. Configure denylist and tick Play Services, Play Store, Google Services Framework and Z app. Make sure to expand the submenu and tick all of them. This will hide root for these apps, which is required otherwise Z app will detect you're using a rooted device and throw an error message
      8. Install Hide Mock Location module for LSPosed
      9. In LSPosed, activate the Hide Mock Location
      10. Restart phone
      11. Fake your location using Fake GPS app (from Play Store). Go to your Developer Settings to set it as the mock location app. Fake your location to whatever location you want - e.g. Rotorua
      12. Check Hide Mock Location and it should show that your mock location setting is NOT configured (even though it is)
      13. Open Z app and it should show that your location is in Rotorua. When you go to top up Sharetank, it shouldn't show any errors about spoofed location and should show you the petrol price for that location.

      Tested and confirmed working on 3 of my Android devices, one running on Pixel OS Android 13, the other 2 running on MIUI 12 and MIUI 14 running Android 11 and Android 13 respectively.

      BONUS - you can also use the Hide My Applist Xposed module for hiding root, in combination with Shamiko. I use all of these to bypass InTune Company Portal and use Teams on a rooted device. This is one of the hardest things to bypass in my opinion.

      Also, this used to work for me but I found it too annoying to use my dummy iPhone so I don't bother with this method anymore:

      • +1

        Just FYI, looks like Z will flag your account if they detect too many location hops happening on the same day. I was testing something and jumping around locations and now I can't get any fuel prices. They don't see my device as rooted and they don't see me using mock location apps, but I guess on the server side they can still impose a block. I can still spend my sharetank, but I can't buy more.

        If I sign out of my account and into a new account on the same phone, works fine.
        If I sign into my old account on another Android rooted device, doesn't work.
        If I sign into my old account onto a non-jailbroken iPhone, doesn't work.

        But if I sign into new account, they all work - i.e I can buy more sharetank again.

        • They all work fine, I have 3 different ones installed and tested them. They either let you set the location by X,Y coordinates (which you can get by from Google Maps on PC by looking at the URL), or you move around the map in the app and tap a location. But only 1 or 2 of them lets you search location by name (e.g. Auckland). The one I use is called Location Changer. They all have ads, but if you use Adaway (rooted phone) or Private DNS (BlahDNS or NextDNS), you'll be fine without ads.

      • Thanks for this. Is there a particular Fake GPS app from Play Store that you have found works best? There are many with a very similar name

  • anyone know which region has the cheapest diesel?

    • +1

      Looks to be Z Andy Bay in Dunedin

  • +1

    So sharetank is only 1 cent more this morning

    • Meanwhile my local BP has jumped 44 cents overnight on 91. Diesel up 1c.

    • Up 28c at Z Rolleston from $2.259 to $2.539

  • +7

    To check the cheapest Z price on Gaspy without Gold membership.

    • Apply a custom 200 cent discount to Z
    • Go to Fuel Map and zoom out to fit whole nz in the screen
    • Tap the info icon on bottom left corner
    • The range would be the lowest price of Z minus $2
    • Move the map around and keep zooming in without the range increasing to find the cheapest station.
    • +1

      Thats a great tip, so cheapeat is 249 atm 😩

    • -1

      Or just go to here to look at the top 5 cheapest prices:

      • +1

        You can't filter the Z stations from the stat page

        • -1

          You look at the top 5 cheapest prices and get their locations. Then you filter the Z location based on the top 5 cheapest locations. This is much faster than moving around the entire NZ map.

          Or, just add all the Z locations to favourite. Then go to your favorite and the cheapest Z station will be at the very top. Again, this beats having to zoom around the map every single time.

          • +1

            @NovaAlpha: I tested your first suggestion. Top five cheapest stations for 91 as per the stat page are the following.

            GOfuel Tauranga Sulphur Point Bay Of Plenty $2.279
            NPD Self Serve Hastings Hawke's Bay $2.346
            Gull SPEEDLANE Hastings Hawke's Bay $2.347
            Pak 'n Save Hastings Hawke's Bay $2.377
            Gull Matamata Waikato $2.377

            Cheapest Z in areas as per stat page:
            Z Hewletts Rd Tauranga is $2.569
            Z Heretaunga St Hastings is $2.539
            Z Matamata is $2.499

            But the cheapest of all the Z station is Z Sanson @ $2.469

            Also, I never claimed it to be a faster method. I just shared the method I use.

            Your second suggestion of adding 180+ Z stations to favorites would be a faster method if someone has the time to do that once.

            • -1

              @josepaul99: All good mate. I'm just sharing the method that I use as well.

              Considering that Matamata is on the top 5 cheapest location and the price is very close to Z Sanson, I'd say it's the quickest method to pinpoint the location to focus on. It certainly beats having to move around and zoom in on the Gaspy fuel map every time, especially if the cheapest Z station changes location frequently.

              As for the 2nd suggestion, that would be the most accurate and reliable, as you get to see all the Z stations sorted from cheapest to most expensive. It's a one-time setup and saves time in the long run.

              I was hoping to get access to Gaspy API so I can write a script to parse all the information, but looks like this will cost money to gain access to the API / data from Gaspy.

              The other option is to use PriceWatch and it does a pretty good job at showing you which regions have the cheapest minimum / average / maximum petrol prices. And then you can focus on that particular region in Gaspy fuel map.

              • +1

                @NovaAlpha: You can also use the following trick to save a bit of time:

                • Tap on Find Fuel at the bottom left
                • Select Discounts and apply a custom 100 or 200 cent discount to Z
                • In the location search bar, search e.g. Hamilton
                • It would show you all the Z station petrol prices, sorted from cheapest to most expensive. All other petrol stations should be excluded, considering that you've applied a 100~200 cent discount.

                Once you know what the top 5 cheapest locations are (based on https://www.gaspy.nz/stats.html or PriceWatch), you can just search the locations in Gaspy. You can then add some of the Z stations to your favourites. Easy.

  • It seems petrol has gone up across the country, I thought the fuel tax only applied to Auckland?

    • They are two separate things.
      The 25 cents per litre subsidy on fuel excise duty was nationwide and has been so since March 2022.
      This came to end as at the 1st July, hence the sudden increase in price.

      Auckland has the joy of also having a Regional Fuel Tax of 10 cents per litre which has been in place for the past five years or so.

      • bugger, totally misunderstood and thought it only affected Auckland. Should have used sharetank!

      • +1

        And also gst on top of both the 25¢ subsidy and the Auckland 10¢ fuel tax.

  • +1

    I bought sharetank and it took 4 days to deduct the amount from my bank, any have the same thing happen?

    • Same boat.

    • Are you banking with ANZ by any chance?

      • Yes ANZ

        • Same delay happens when I use ANZ card on Waitomo app.

  • +1

    Really wish Gaspy can filter based on cheapest petrol location, as well as filter based on petrol station.

    So far, I've had to use a combination of this:

    and also PriceWatch:

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