Hey just looking to possibly get an All Blacks Jersey, but buying an official one is unfortunately out of my price range.
Does anyone know a good site to purchase one?
Rugby Jersey - Cheap

Best bet is wait for a Rebel Sport sale.. they will often go for 15 - 20% discount. On occasion they will be included in an Adidas 30% discount but they aren't as often.
Are you thinking of something off Ali Express or similar? I got a rugby jersey off there a few years ago, wasn't great compared to the official one we already had (free from Pulse Energy), was smaller and a slightly different shade. I also got a jersey from Trade Me and it was identical to the Ali Express one, the seller wouldn't admit it was a knock off. Can't tell if the sellers are selling legit jerseys or not, if it's quite cheap for a new one it's probalby a fake.
$150+ for rugby jersey is just crazy aye.
Does it have to be new or the current version? Go to Trade Me for second hand or search out last years design.
I don't think you will find much of a discount anywhere for the latest design as it has just been released.