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Play to Win a Free Small Coffee, Regular Sundae, Medium Drink or Fries @ McDonald's App (Play Once a Day, Redeem within next day



Closing Date 20/08/2023


Description small coffee, regular sundae, medium drink or fries
No. of Prizes 1

Entry Requirements

Entry Limit Once per day
Entry Methods Mobile App
Prerequisites Account/Membership

McDonald x FIFA Women's World Cup

  • Open your McDonald's app(mcdonalds.co.nz)
  • go to home page
  • click on Score & Win
  • play to win a freebies
  • Play once a day to win daily prize

Terms & Conditions(mcdonalds.co.nz)
MyMacca’s Penalty Shootout Game available from 19/07/23 until 20/08/23 and only on the Macca’s App. The game can be only be played once a day. Players must score the right number of penalties as set for that day in order to win the daily prize. Daily prize consists of a choice between one small McCafe® Coffee, Medium Fries, Medium drink or a regular Sundae. Prize must be redeemed via the App on the same day. Unclaimed prizes will expire at 11:59 on the same day the prize was won. Prizes available at participating restaurants. See mcdonalds.co.nz/mymaccas-rewards for full terms and conditions. Excludes McDelivery®. Limit of one reward redeemed per transaction, per visit, not to be used to discount or in conjunction with any other deal or reward. Cannot be redeemed for cash and no change given. Deal or rewards, including products available for redemption, may change without notice.

Mod: Moved to comps as this is a game of skill or chance.

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closed Comments

  • Just tried this, scored 3 out of 5, but no luck for me. Will try again tomorrow.

    Daily prize consists of a choice between one small McCafe Coffee, Medium Fries, Medium drink or a regular Sundae. Prize must be redeemed via the App on the same day. Unclaimed prizes will expire at 11:59 on the same day the prize was won

  • +1

    I easily got 4 out of 5 and won, it say expires 21-07-2023, is that mean I can redeem it tomorrow?

    • Should do but it does say:

      "Prize must be redeemed via the App on the same day. Unclaimed prizes will expire at 11:59 on the same day the prize was won."

      So who knows. Let us know. I also just got one to test.

  • i lost on 3 phones wtf..

    • If it makes you feel any better I lost on four phones. On the fourth I actually scored three goals against two saves yet still got the "bad luck try again tomorrow" message

      • Got the same even though I’m sure it said score 3 to win.. still lost even though I scored 3 - 2

  • Play with my missus phone I score 3 out of 4 and it go straight to "Better luck next time", doesn't even let me finish the game..and I score 3 I suppose to have won!

    • Happened to me too!

  • Scored 4 / 5, got myself a sundae.

    • Did you score a sundae or you can choose from the either four?

      • I could choose from either 4

      • As Hotdoglord said it's choice of the 4, it's a generic code at the drivethru for any of the items and you then select at that moment, you don't have to pre-select in the app.

        Got myself a sundae too.

  • Just played again annnnnnnnd no luck.

    • I just swipped all my shots at the centre top corner and never missed any.

      • I found luck aiming in the centre too - goalie seems to go either left or right

        • This was true of yesterday. I just played the game again for Day 2 aiming all my shots dead centre. Goalie stopped 3 of 5 goals today. :( First time seeing goalie jump straight up!

          • @CheapieSniper: Damn, they're onto it then. Luck of the draw now I guess

            • @Melse: Used the same trick and was successful in shooting the top centre of the goal post for the past 2 days. May update tomorrow's game status using the same approach.

      • +2

        They jumped up twice on mine :(
        centre top corner? Is your goal a pentagon?

  • +1

    I won a prize at 11:45 pm (Thursday) and successfully redeemed it at 12:40 am (Friday). Does it really expire at 11:59? or is it to scare us into using it fast?

  • +1

    from the comments above it is obviously needing to score 4 not 3 as advertised to win. Is there any trick to this? And no you can’t logout and use another account on same device. I tried so you don’t have to waste your time.

    • Good thing I have 5 phones! Although I’m not so sure I could be bothered

    • Came here looking for a trick 😅 also tried logging on the second account on my phone and didn’t work. Did it on my iPad and it did, haven’t won both days though boo

    • The description now shows in app 4 out of 5

  • Got five out of five and won a cheeseburger!

    • +1

      I don’t think you win a cheeseburger- everyone has one of those. Check again :)

      • 1 X cheeseburger and
        2 X Coupon (either of the one: small McCafe® Coffee, Medium Fries, Medium drink or a regular Sundae.)

        • Where to see the coupons? It said I won cheeseburger but I just found a deal mentioning I can choose one of those but not the cheeseburger! Am I missing something obvious here?

      • Woops, ill enjoy the free coffee as well :)

  • +1

    This is hard! The KFC version was a breeze.

  • 1/5. I'm somehow worse at a shitty phone "game" than soccer in real life. Didn't think that was possible

  • This is hard - I'm always getting 3 out of 5! 😲

  • +1

    Looks like Maccas have tapped into the Cheapies psyche

  • 0 goals yesterday, only 2 today. Damn it's hard. I believe they might have a probability of wining only once or twice per account. Just a thought.

    • +2

      Yeah strong suspicion that it is a rigged lottery rather than a skill based game

  • 3/5 no prize. All three scored far left side of the goal (as low as you can go).

    • I played it last night and it was really easy - 4/5 in the goal.
      Played again today and only managed 1 🤷‍♂️

      • Game AI learning and getting smarter. Aim is to get you into the golden arches and spend spend spend.

  • +1

    Just play, scored 3 in a row thought I gonna win then the rest of 2 save..

    • +1

      same…. :(


    3>2 !!

    i just want free food man :(

    • There there….

  • My finger has plenty of practice with the KFC kicking now transferred to kicking footballs and so far 2 from 2. Grabbed 2 x fries.

  • Today I won on both accounts and my partner won too! Enjoyed my free fries and sundae 😊

  • I’ve just been aiming in the centre every game. Have won 2 out of 3 phones three days in a row so far. Honestly it’s just RNG, pure luck.

  • Not sure of other peoples experience but the app doesn't seem to load on wifi for me. On data, instantly loads. Just an FYI for anyone attempting it.

    • No problem on wifi at all for me.
      I even won today after a couple of days of losses!

      • Thanks. Seemed to have a strange issue of apps not being able to connect to a server in the background on home wifi. Reset of modem fixed. Thought McDonald's was getting crafty.

  • Ee

  • +2

    Won 4/5 on my first try! Centre is where it's at.

  • +2

    FYI. Can also get Apple Pie. My wife and I redeemed one each earlier tonight.

    • No wonder some branches have sold out of apple pies lol. That Greenlane one has been out for days.

    • So far I have only won the coupon for free small coffee/Coke/sundae/fries. Do you mean you can actually use this coupon to redeem apple pie or did you actually win a coupon for apple pie? Thanks

      • +1

        apple pie is in the sundae option 😋

  • Anyone know if you can swap the McCafé coffee for a hot chocolate? 😊

    • +2

      Yes you can, I got it myself. Whenever there is any “McCafe coffee” offer it usually always includes hot chocolate as an option.

      • Awesome, thank you! Just didn’t want to select coffee and then not be able to change it haha

        • You select what you want at the time of ordering… not at the time of winning

  • Might want to update the must be redeemed on the same day, the coupon expiry is the next day now I’ve noticed!

    • Actually you don't need to redeem on the same day. The codes expire the following day, so they have a 2 day expiry.

      • That's what SparksCollide is saying. The title of this post says redeem same day but the expiry is the next day.

        • Whoops my bad. Misread. 😅

  • +8

    I thought I saw a comment previously but maybe it's elsewhere.

    Anyway, if you get 2 goals saved, just quickly exit out of the app and start again. Works every time.

    • Amazing trick! Now I can have fries and a sundae for lunch every day 😅

      • +1

        Good thing there are many McDonald’s around or we might be on first name basis!

  • I've only won twice so far. Seems pretty hard to get 4 out of 5.

    • +2

      As per previous comments - if you get 2 goals saved, just quickly exit out of the app and start again. Works every time.

      • I must have missed this tip! Just tried it and it took my 9 attempts 😂

        • Yup, guaranteed win every time by doing this trick.

          • +1

            @wowbigdeal: Except when the second save is in the last ball.

            • +2

              @sunshinenz: It still works even on the last ball but you have to be quick.
              If you exit as soon as it is saved then you can go again.
              It’s safer just to exit as soon as the first one is saved though.

    • Have you been aiming for the middle every time? I seem to win often doing that, but today wouldn’t have without the exit and start again trick

      • I did try the middle trick but he got it every time.

    • This feels like the completion with the most clicks and proportionately the least postive votes… Shows how many leechers are there nowadays who don't support the Ops who post this stuff.. Comm'on people show some support..

  • Ok another question in my favourite thread.

    Anyone had 2 freebies to redeem at once on the same account? Like if you win today but don’t redeem before you play again the next day will you have 2 or will the second one overwrite the first? TY 😋

    • +1

      Yes have done two with separate day wins. The server makes it two orders.

    • +2

      You will have both side by side until each one expires/redeemed. Once you select the earned 'freebie' option in your Deals, there will be 2 in there which you can redeem one at a time. Hope that makes sense :)

    • Had been stacking fine for me too, but as of today anybody experiencing the 2nd coupon not generating, when there is already an existing coupon?

      • +1

        I had one from yesterday and just won today, both appearing so will have 2 x fries lunchtime.

      • +1

        There was a glitch for me that they fixed, now can’t win on 2 different devices same account. The second device you can play and win but then gives you a “something went wrong” rather than a prize and you don’t get another voucher. Can play 2 different devices on 2 accounts still though.

        • I experienced the same "something went wrong" glitch the other day, and it happened on a single account single decide.

          I wonder if they've changed something on the system end.

  • Has this finished now?
    Edit. Found it hidden away scrolling down and middle of other stuff and will fill my arteries with the good stuff this lunchtime.

    • Can't see it on mine either
      Edit:it's on the same page but right at bottom not In usual Place.

  • Glitch found: Just noticed you can close the app if you are down by 1. Just close the app fully (remove it from the background cache) retart the app and play again until you win. I've been winning for the past week 😄👍🏻

    • +1

      ScoobyNZ mentioned this a few weeks ago on 26/7.

    • A couple of things to say about this comment:

      1. You're over three weeks late with the glitch. As @Stoic mentioned, @ScoobyNZ dropped the hack on 26/7 in comments above.
      2. Without knowing it has already been posted here, you kept it to yourself for a whole week?! 😑 Come on…which team are you playing for?

      Pro Tip: Even if you're down one, you can continue to attempt to play all the way to the end to try and get 4-1. If you happen to get 3-2 at the last goal, you still have time to close the app, just don't let it get to the "Loading" screen which actually registers the game result.

      • +1

        I also posted this glitch on the next day (21/07) as a new deal (after this moved to here) but was deleted by mod lol. I been winning everyday but rarely go and redeem it.

        • Well I extend to you my thanks! Don't worry, I'm picking up the slack on your behalf using two phones. 🤣 I literally just had a coffee and 2 x Apple Pies…and will probably go back after dinner time for a sundae. 😉

  • When they say this finishes 20/08/23 do they mean at 11.59pm that day, or on 19/08?

    • 20th end of day

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