This was posted 1 year 7 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Receive a $50 MTA Voucher When You Watch a Video (on Illness) and Complete a Zoom Questionnaire @ University of Auckland


Please complete these 2 steps:

You will watch a video (~2 minutes), and then we will ask your opinion on your health over Zoom (~5 minutes). We will email you the video and Zoom link. Please watch the video just before the Zoom meeting so it is fresh in your mind.

Participant Information Sheet( for your reference. The $50 voucher will be delivered to your mailing address for free.

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The University of Auckland
The University of Auckland

closed Comments

  • The info sheet seems to say that the questionnaire will take about an hour, rather than five mins?

    Also, how do they contact you - there is nowhere to put an email or phone number?

    The calendar seems to say that there are no times in August or September, and won't go out further.

    Am I just being dim??

    • I believe all the time slots have been taken. The questionnaire took most people under 10 minutes.
      Fill in your contact info in the consent form.

      • Did you just add it somewhere 'random'?

        The only fields I saw were name and mailing address - no email or phone?

        • Email and phone are in the booking link. They have all been filled for now but more times will be released.

  • Seems to be no times available to book?

    • Available in september

    • Can’t seem to find any times in august or September either

  • +1

    I couldn't see any details on the 'voucher'. $50 for what?

    • After the questionnaire over Zoom, you will be mailed the voucher

      • But what is the voucher for?

        • I think the fact it's a Uni health study could be why there's no explicit clarification of the voucher's brand. It would be good info to have though.

          • +3

            @Wagner: Could even be $50 off a Uni course :-)

            Reduces the price from $10,000 pa to $9,950 !

          • @Wagner: Yeah, or at least what it could be generally used for. $50 voucher for something you don't use is useless!

    • +3

      Oops lol! I didn't realise what you were asking… It's an MTA voucher which you can use at petrol stations

  • After I filled in the consent. There was no time slot available.

  • Yep cant choose a time.

  • Can’t choose date/time

  • +4

    I did this few weeks ago. You receive $50 MTA voucher (which could be used for petrol) in the post.

  • Really poor design. The booking times and consent form needs to be on the same page

  • no time slot??

  • +2

    Got cheapied

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