• long running

Free - 1x Pair of Monthly Contact Lenses or 5x Pairs of Daily Contact Lenses (After Consultation & Fitting) @ Specsavers


Free contact lens consultation and trial.

Try contact lenses for free. Our professional optometrists will complete a contact lens consultation and fitting to ensure you're matched with the right contact lenses to suit your lifestyle. You’ll also receive a free trial pack of contact lenses so you can try them from home.

Ts and Cs

Free trial limited to one per person. Includes one pair of monthly or five pairs of daily contact lenses subject to availability. Excludes colour, myopia management, made-to-order, gas permeable or hard lenses. Free trial does not include eye test. Valid prescription required. Free aftercare is valid for 6 months after purchase of contact lenses at Specsavers.

Have ticked the "no strings attached" box but cannot say for certain they won't send you emails or whatever afterwards. Don't need myself but thought another cheapie might be interested.

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  • +2

    I've been wearing contact lenses for nearly 30 years and have always received "free trial" lenses (after paying the optometrist's "eye test" fee) for every new type I've had fitted. I'm not convinced that there's anything new here except maybe an advertising push.

    • Fair enough! I have no affiliation with specsavers and dont wear glasses/contacts so have no experience there sorry. Dont want to advertise anything scammy so happy to delete if you think its a bit scammy

      • I don't think it's scammy, but it's not new. I did this a few years ago with them after having a break from wearing contacts for a few years. Be aware if you get the monthly, they don't give you a contact lens case or any solution for cleaning/storing.

        It also took them almost a month to get my trial lenses in shop, but this could have been due to all the shipping issues that were happening during the pandemic.

        • All optometrists give you free contacts to trial with an eye test. If the eye test was free then it would be a good deal. Free Specsavers eye test with AA membership.

          • +1

            @Sickman: IIRC Specsavers has a seperate contact lens assessment and eye test. The free AA membership eye test didn’t cover the contact lens assessment when I did it.

            • @kinetic9: @kinetic9 yeah, I think the contact lens users have pay a bit extra over the standard assessment given in the free AA one

  • +2

    I just had an eye exam at Specsavers (free with AA). Was asked if I was still happy with my glasses (years ago was exclusively contacts) and given two boxes of free contacts. No charge or extra exam. Very nice service.

  • Suggest looking online at contact lens prices and request that brand from your optometrist - they’ll try to recommend their in store brands that, surprise surprise, you can only get from them and/or get you to subscribe on the spot.

    For the most part, contact lenses are like shoe sizes - once you’ve got your script don’t be afraid to try other brands.

  • +1

    I got ICL 6 years ago, would recommend (or laser if your vision isn't terrible like mine was).

    • How much did you pay?

      • 12k, I think laser is (was) 6k, may have changed since then.

        Went from -8.5 and -8 (+ slight astigmatism) to significantly above average vision.

  • Last time I had an eye exam at Specsavers, it took them almost two months to get my contacts, since day and night lenses were apparently a special order.

  • Is an eye test included in this for them to be able to say what contacts you'll need? Or is this an add-on to a paid eyetest?

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