How is 2degrees broadband vs Skinny

Hi All,

I am considering changing over to 2Degrees on their 12 month contract option with 4 months free from our current Skinny Broadband 300. We currently paying $70 with skinny. Skinny Speed is decent as it's Spark network. How is 2Degree boardband connection speed vs Skinny?

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2degrees Mobile


  • +2

    I'm not with 2Degrees but all the comments I've seen lately regarding their rubbish customer service has put me off switching to them.

  • +5

    Connection speed - no problems.
    Customer service - crap

    If you don’t think you won’t ever need to contact them it will be fine. The problem comes with the wait time to get through to the call centre which I have experienced over an hour. There is also no call back facility so you have no choice but to wait.

    • I completely concur with those assessments.

    • Yep if you are a power user who does not need phone support then 2D is great for the price.

    • I really miss Snap, their support was awesome.

  • 2D used to be good back in the day but their customer service is more or less similar to the Vodafone I remember.

    Anyone on here with Skinny in Christchurch?

    • I'm in Rolleston and with Skinny for a year. No issues so far

  • Been with 2D for a few months. No complaints

  • I'm with 2D and they started charging me $95 pee month. How much is everyone else is paying for unlimited fibre? I used to pay $65 per month

      • +1

        Thanks, just spoke to a customer service, looks like my 12 months plan was up, now just renewed for another 12 paying $72 per month

        • 300 or 1000 mbps?

          • +2

            @weekendwarrior: Here's the summary of the re-sign offer we discussed and agreed upon -

            Unlimited Fiber 300/100MBPS plan - $97/month.

            • Monthly discount of $15 for 12 months.

            • 6 months free Amazon Prime Video.

            • $10 Pay monthly mobile bundle discount (Already active and will continue as always).

            • Your monthly price will be at $72/month.

            • @Juju123: I swapped from Skinny to 2Degrees in August.

              12 month contract

              Unlimited 950/500 $109

              $25 Discount per month for 12 months
              $10 Discount per month mobile bundle
              $10 Discount per month for 12 months
              6 Months Amazon Prime

              So I pay $64 a month - Deal is still available through

            • +2

              @Juju123: Wouldn't it be cheaper to get the 4-months free deal from the website direct?

              $72x12 = $864

              $87x8 = $696

              • +1


                re-sign offer

                probably not eligible for existing customer

                • +1

                  @justaddwater: ah true. forgot about him being existing customer.

            • @Juju123: i just renewed my 300/100 plan for another 12mo term.

              This was the offer
              less $15/mo for 12 months
              less $10 mobile plan customer discount

              plus $24 one off account credit (to essentially match $70/mo price).

              I told them i didn't want free prime.

              i rang broadband existing customers line and then mentioned that i was looking at broad band compare and felt i was paying too much at my current price ($97/mo less $10/mo) and wanted to see if they could match their own offer on the broadband compare and their website before looking at moving providor.

              to be honest i wanted to stay with 2 degrees because i have fixed ip with them because i run a home server (not keen to be placed behind a cgnat). i don't use customer support really. i used to be with bigpipe a long long time ago, i loved their email only support they offered, much better than phone support and their technicians were not basic level support using a flowchart with what seems like limited IT knowledge.

  • +2

    ComCom publish speed comparisons between 2D and Spark in the MBNZ reports( I suspect most people would not notice any speed differences between fibre providers. The speed that they can fix a problem does vary though…

  • +3

    I am with skinny, it's fine. 2degrees fibre was also fine too but their customer service is atrocious. I've started to move all of my services away from them.

    • Worth it to pay a little more for better broadband speed and customer service.

      • I've used 2degrees since they started and used to be great.

        I haven't mentioned speed here. Skinny do a fine job with speed and customer service. What are you referring to?

  • I found 2d routing was attrocious. Like they went out of their way to route the most unreliable and high latency routes possible for some services.

    Local speed tests etc., aren't much of a market for performance given not much is hosted in NZ.

    • What destinations are routed poorly (presumably cheaply for 2Degrees)?

      It would be interesting to test those for a couple of my clients that seem to get poor speeds sometimes.

      • Sorry about the late reply.
        Almost any service, data centre, etc. including azure services and tenants all over Australia and beyond.
        I haven't used them in a while (my parents are still with them), nor have any of my customers, but I did have a staff member at one customer sign up with them on a fixed term plan after I explicitly told them not to. They had endless issues, many of them were due to incompetence, but also due to 2degrees.
        Routing in NZ was even insane. This same customer couldn't route to a Vocus property down the street without going via Auckland, to Sydney, to Auckland, to their local exchange. Insanity.
        Latency to Azure data centres was often 1k+ms, and at least three data centres around the world would fail to resolve each time I performed a test.
        A lot may have changed now that Vocus owns them?

  • I am with 2d, been with them for 3 years and the customer service is horrible. Their team for new sign ups is likely responsive to get new customers but any further help once you are already a customer is horrible. I tried changing router location in my house and I had to put in an order with 2d and then they email enable.

    On 30 August I requested to change router location by email. One week later, no response I ring them. They said they will put in order. 1 week later ring enable and they haven't received order from 2d. Ring 2d to find out what happening, they said it's in the queue and waiting to be confirmed. Week later nothing and then ring 2d, the customer service rep puts in an urgent request for their team to confirm and send to enable. A few days later enable call and book in time to change router.

    Everytime I called 2d, the wait time was 1 - 2hrs!!

    Once router changed, likely to change service provider. I would NOT recommend 2degrees. Avoid them at all costs.

    I am paying like 71 per month with 2d, have access to prime video and prime gaming but don't use it that much. Due to the frustration, I don't care if other providers don't have prime video.

  • Was with Orcon (2degrees) and had no problems at all. Then switched to 2Degrees as a new customer (because of discounts and assuming there was going to be no performance loss compared with Orcon) and since joining 2Degrees, I've had multiple latency issues, packet losses, occasions where my UDM PRO SE shows no internet so have to restart it twice a month. Didn't have any issues when I was with Orcon even though they got their internet from 2Degrees

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