Reliable cheap-ish 7 seater vehicle.

I need help deciding on a good 7 seater. Budget is max $30k , so I'm thinking a not so new Outlander or X-trail (ive seen both models for low kms and 21/22 year for less) .

95 % of the time it will be mostly driven as a 5 seater. On the 5% I have extended family over the extra 2 seat could come handy .

Most of the time I only drive about 110kms/week - so fuel economy is not a big issue. Occasionally do some long distance driving and have a child so a reliable safe SUV is preferred.

Welcome all ideas and opinions, but would especially be keen to hear from X-Trail or Outlander owners who advocate for or against it .


  • +1

    Recommend posting on Geekzone as well

  • +1

    We have the previous gen Outlander. Perfect for exactly what you describe! The extra 2 seats aren't amazing but they do fine for short - medium trips as a one off.
    We managed to pick one up on runout 2 years ago brand new for i think 32-33k.

    • Ah perfect just the person I was looking for !

      1)So in the 2 years you've owned it do you have any regrets whatsoever ?
      2) Also in your opinion how's the drive comfort ?
      3) Did you ever consider the Nissan X-trail?

      thanks heaps

      • No worries!
        1) Not at all. My partner drives it daily. It's not flash but it is modern, for the price can't complain.
        2) I personally don't like CVT transmissions in general, that would be my only gripe. Handling comfort wise, no complaints. Done a couple of decent roadtrips and it's been fine.
        3) Had a quick look but couldn't justify the price vs the outlander at the time. I drove one in the US last year for 2 weeks roundtripping Florida and it felt heavy on the wheel, no where as nimble as the outlander.

        • Thank you so much !

          Re: 2) Yeah I was thinking of that too , but looks like these days they are all heading the CVT route.

          oh and did you get the LS 2wd version ?

          • +1

            @RJA7: Just went base spec, 2wd, 2.4L petrol etc.
            Got nicer rubber mats and boot liner etc.

            • @icecold: @icecold Hey , forgot to ask something … Did you ever get to use all 7 seats ( or the 3 rows) ? Would you potentially have to remove the car seat from the 2nd row to accommodate the 3rd row and its passengers ?

              • @RJA7: We've used them all a handful of times for trips ranging 30min - 1hour.
                The 2nd row seats are on sliders do you can jam them forward to get a touch more foot room. Carseats and all.

  • +4

    I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but why not look to a van rather than an SUV? If you can get past the looks these have masses of headroom, heaps of seating options. can be highly speced, and most still have usuable boot space when all rows of seats used. Pretty much every major brand has an offering or 2.

    Nissan Serena / elgrand
    Honda Stepwagon
    Toyota noah / vellfire / alphard

    • +1

      True, even I am looking for a 7 seater, and just don't like the 3rd row in most SUV, its too small space.

      These days SUVs have no benefit as in the ground clearance. its the same height as most people movers.

      I think the true full size SUVs are: Nissan Patrol, Hyundai Palisade

    • Thats a good point actually !

      Just feel for 95% of the time the bigger space and size and possibly bigger engine would be wasted on me.

      But not a bad option if the immediate familly gets bigger

    • Everyone want a SUV and alot of people will not be caught dead in a people mover. Means they often go cheap. If you have young kids the sliding doors and height of the seat is the best option, you can get.

  • +2

    I have a Honda CR-V Sport 7 (7 seater). Pretty happy with it, was 38k second hand (6 months old when I bought it). Pretty happy with it although the third row seats are tiny so only suitable for children (or small adult for a short uncomfortable journey) when the rear seats are up there is barely any space in the rear. I am yet to use the third row, although my kids are 2 and 4 so their friends use car seats anyway so not gonna pick up other children.

    I like the idea of a van, I would definitely consider a van for our next car.

    • +1

      I initially, had immediately discard the CRV from the options because it was comparatively more expensive and possibly smaller than the Outlander and Xtrail .

      But maybe I shouldn't … I suppose its more expensive for a reason. Thanks for the suggestion - ill add it back to my list :)

      • My parents have outlander. It's way smaller than their car.

        I can fit a large uppababy pram, 2 shopping bags, a 14" pedal bike and two scooters in it but it's pretty crowded. This is without using 3rd row. If using the 3rd row would probably only fit two shipping bags.

        • thanks . Have you driven your parents Outlander ? Which would you say was more comfortable to drive?

          • @RJA7: Driving experience:
            - The outlander feels like a truck
            - The CRV feels like a car

            Outlander has 2/4wd on off control option. The CRV 7 seater is 2wd only. I drove the CRV to a ski field and it felt unsafe at the top and I slid around a little on light ice.

            Both are a little gutless when it comes to acceleration, but it's nothing to complain about for normal driving.

            I was fine driving the outlander, parking was ok BC it had aerial view parking camera.

            • @kiwijunglist: PS. I'm not sure if you need a 7 seater if it's just for occasionally extended family then using a second car or a rental or taxi might make more sense?

              My wife was keen on 7 seater but the feature has never been used and have owned car for 5 years or so.

              You can't access the third row without putting down the middle row which requires removing the child's car seat unless you get someone to climb over the seats awkwardly…

              • @kiwijunglist: re: comparisson of outlander and CRV : Interesting thanks for that !

                re: 5 seater vs 7 : Haha that thought has also crossed my mind ! I came across a really good deal for a 4wd X-trail but it was only 5 seats so I said no. But like you pointed out if I have to remove the car seat then that is pointless.

                • @RJA7: When I say remove car seats I mean remove the children's/baby car seats.

                  • @kiwijunglist: yup sorry my typo - thats what I meant . My child is on a car seat and he will be with us when the extended fam are here - so pointless if I have to remove it

  • +2

    Another suggestion for Toyota Prius V/Alpha 7 seater. Unless your are only looking for a SUV. Very economical and proven prius engine. I have 5 seater one and my brother-in-law has 7 seater. front 2 rows are good for all people. But remember 3rd row in any 7 seater is only for kids smaller then 5ft in most case. I have yet to see a 7 seater in that price range to have an adult 3rd row. So don't expect to travel with 7 adults in it.

    I have owned Prius Alpha for more than 5yrs now and very happy with it. Other then tire change, no extra servicing done on it. Very economical as well. It is quiet as well.

    Also, Toyota prius is safe and have decent safety ratings though haven't compared with others so do check. A good japs import with decent mileage and only few years old could be had for around $25k or less

    • I managed to squeeze myself in the 3rd row while I was testing the space of a 7 seater ( im not the smallest person) but had to push the 2nd row a bit in front … I suppose that would then make 2nd row worse off . I guessI need to test it with 7 people :)

      Always thought a van would be wasted on me for 95%of the time . I also did prefer the looks of an SUV too …. but reading your and others comments maybe I should also look into a van .


  • We're running a Toyota Ipsum 2005 which is probably way too old for you - around 11k at purchase a few years ago. 7Seater, Toyota reliability. Not as gutess as a Toyota Wish

    • Yeah was hoping for a 2018 or newer

      • Is there a reason why? Older will be far cheaper, no more expensive to fix, you can still finance them, and you will lose much less to depreciation.

        • Probability wise there is less chance for a newer vehicle to breakdown than a lower vehicle. But yeah there some really good old vehicles out there if you look hard enough. I currently drive a 07 model with almost no issues.

          I definitely don't want to finance any car I buy - personal preference.

          Ideally wanted a new one , but by buying 1-2yrs older hopefully the biggest chunk of the depreciation gets covered .

  • As it hasnt been mentioned here yet, I will throw the Kia Sorrento into the ring.
    Weve had ours for 2-3 years now, and been really impressed. Like you, we also looked at the outlander and xtrail, but determined that the space in the 3rd row and the baseline safety features (and a few other options), were more inline with our needs. You can pick up some well specced 2017-2020 sorrentos for $25-$35K (though some will have a few more Km's in this range). Regardless, definitely worth a test drive for comparisons sake.
    NB. Friends of ours bought an xtrail at the same time, and have since traded it in for a Kia. Granted they were frequent users of the vehicle, but the 2.5Petrol was simply too thirsty to justify. Good luck

    • Hey there,

      Yeap, a second hand KIA Sorrento — quite acceptable option. Completely agree. 👍🏻

      Would also recommend taking into account used Toyota Highlanders. You won't be disappointed by the ride. (For your budget you'll be able to find a firm and sturdy sample. 7 seater, of course. 3,5L engine might be a bit greedy for petrol ⛽, but still — absolutely wonderful and descent car, imho …)

      Cheers! 👋🏻

    • I agree, Kia sorento is good bang for buck

    • Thanks guys !! added Sorrento and the Highlander to the list !

  • +2

    Cheap/ reliable Toyota wish ,
    Cheap / hybrid / efficient Toyota alpha 7 seater
    Cheap / compact / possible hybrid option Toyota sienta hybrid
    Possible hybrid/ comfort / luxury Toyota alphad / vellfire
    Possible hybrid / compact comfort Toyota Noah

    • If they aren't doing big kms, then a hybrid may not be worth it and non hybrid could hopefully be cheaper.

      • Not really hydrid is the next step , phev is the best even compared to pure ev ie fuel cell with phev of flex fuel with phev .
        Hydrid has lots of benifits , one being efficient smooth drive , climate control , less maintenance

        • I was meaning that they will likely get more for their money by just getting a petrol, as hybrid are in more demand so demand higher prices. Fr example if they were going new, then many Toyotas hybrids are sold out for many months, even up to a 12 month waiting list, but some of the petrol equivalents are still available and cheaper.

  • Check out the new Mahindra [reliable brand from India] Xuv 700, slightly over the budget but they might have some cheaper options with some kms done..

    • I did consider this , my only issue was that when we eventually sell it the resale value will be nowhere near the other popular brands.

      But not a bad option to think about , thanks.


    Low mileage, fair price.
    No need to search further…


    • Thanks Julio! Seems like a great deal.

      In you honest ,personal, opinion would you choose it over this ? :…

      6 yrs newer with less mileage and albeit less specked.

      • +2

        On paper that looks quite good, although not sure how reliable Mitsubishi is and they tend to be a cheaper brand, but it should come with the balance of the manufacturers warranty?. You could look in the dog and lemon guide. . I would also make sure it wasn't flood damaged in the recent floods

        • thanks for that hint !

          yeah the outlander seems to be a lot cheaper than what's on Trademe - possibly some fault.

      • Hey mate,
        U r very welcome. 👍🏻

        To the point:
        Both of these SUVs R quite alright, I suppose.
        There's only one concern for me about that Mitsubishi from your link (if it had not been damaged previously!), namely:

        its bloody CVT transmission (apparently it does have a CVT installed, according to their specifications on the website). No good for me. I can't stand CVTs, to be honest. (All you gotta do is just to Google all the issues about them and compare those with potential problems of an "old good" AT.)

        Maybe, none of these transmissions is perfect, of course, but I personally would never recommend anyone to buy a car with a CVT installed (especially on a SUV & on a second hand one! ☝🏻 No need to tell you about cvt + 4wd, I believe… 😏)

        To be short:
        If you don't mind CVTs as I do (who am I to keep you down 😁) , then that Mitsubishi deserves a great attention, absolutely! 👍🏻

        Hope this can help, mate.

        Cheers! 👋🏻

        • Thanks Julio very handy info there!

          Having driven all 3 transmissions (including Manual) I 100% agree with you. I just assumed because most car makers are heading the CVT route and "newer" tech may have improved its reliability . But yeah switching from an AT ( currently) its going to be …different .

          Appreciate your insight once again - defn added the Sorento to my list !

          • +1

            @RJA7: I drove a new lexus CVT (although was a hybrid) recently and didn't really notice any difference between that and driving a Mazda 6 speed automatic. You do notice the lack of gear shift, but didn't really notice any issues.

          • +1

            @RJA7: Never mind, mate, that's alright. 👍🏻

            P. S.
            Do NOT forget to pay your attention to Toyota Highlanders too(second hand, of course 😏 🤷🏻‍♂️).

            U'll never regret this if you find a solid sample! 👍🏻 😉

            (Just as a sample, for you to know what I'm talking about:


            or this one:
  … ).

            Would be a perfect ride for your household if you could get smth like that. 😏

            (But it's essential about every car to be sure that it's never been damaged anyhow. ☝🏻We need to keep it in mind, certainly. 😏)

            Regards… 👋🏻

  • We looked about 2 years ago at new options and settled on the Xtrail.
    The Mitsubishi you had to go top spec for the safety features that we wanted.
    Love the birds eye camera on the Xtrail.
    the back 2 seats are fine for kids, or short distances but can be a bit squished for longer trips.
    We really like the Xtrail and would purchase again.

    • @MuzzyBee hey thanks for that ! Safety is definitely an important factor , do you mind sharing what features the Outlander base didnt have that the X-trail has ?

      Would you also mind sharing what model you ended up getting of the xtrail?

  • I just came across this, I know not the "cheap" option you are looking for, but if your mind changes.
    This is the best thing I have seen for a big family car.

    And is not CVT :)

    of all the above models discussed, none have a good proper adult sized 3rd row seat, which the Carnival has.

    • Yeah this would defn be something I would have considered if we had a bigger family. As my use of the 3rd row would only be for 5% of the time might be a bit wasted on me. But thanks for the suggestion

  • I've driven both a Honda Odyssey and a Skoda Kodiaq - they're pretty good too!

    • the Kodiaq looks really nice , just wish they were a lot cheaper.

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