The deal is back again.
Just sign up for a pay monthly plan and you should walk away with a free Chromecast after signing up at any Dicksmith retailer for a 2degree plan. Should still apply for the $29 open term plans.
Remember to close your account before the new calendar month or else you'll be charged more than $29 + the days used for the plan in the previous. You'll have to call them to make the cancellation.
(I hope this still works for open term plans. If I'm wrong, give me a shout.)
*I got this deal a few weeks ago. When signed up, 2degress will send you a text to inform you when you're new cycle of bill is. Just make sure to cancel the plan prior to the new cycle, and you could get the Chromecast as low as $3 (my new cycle bill was in 4 days after signing up)
If using Chromecast on a laptop, can you record the streaming content?