Is This Gaming PC Any Good?

My 14 Year old son has been playing on the PS5 and mostly plays Fortnite. His friends play PC and he's keen to get on the bandwagon. He has an occulus so would want to plug this is as well.

Would this PC… be a good starting point?

Ideally, I don't want to spend more than this, but open to suggestions that won't break the bank.



  • The GTX1650 in that $1249 pc is quite underpowered for VR (Oculus) and having previously owned the 1650, most VR games will struggle to run since it lacks enough VRAM.

    I'd recommend taking a look at this PB Tech system( for a more balanced build. (Core i5 12400F + RTX 3060 8GB)

    If your kid is willing to learn to build his own PC using store-bought individual parts, you can save a bit of money and come up with an even better system. Here is a list of parts that I randomly picked that comes up to $1356.98.

    • The PB Tech prebuilt uses the 8GB 3060, which is around 17% slower than the 12GB model. Just something to keep in mind. I can't say I entirely agree with the list of parts you picked either.

    • If your kid is willing to learn to build his own PC using store-bought individual parts, you can save a bit of money and come up with an even better system

      Wrap up each individual component then put it together with him, I'm sure he'd love it

  • Thanks for the advice everyone:) Will look at other options. Thanks again:)

  • I'd definitely try to get up to a 60 series NVIDIA card instead of the 50 one in the build posted. The 50 cards are better than on board graphics form the CPU but not by much. If you're spending the money to get a dedicated GPU the money's better spent putting it towards the next tier. Above the 60 tier the price to performance gets high with diminishing returns and it becomes nice to haves, the 50-60 jump adds useful performance you'll notice in games.

    If really advocate building, it's a useful skill to know what everything does and when it eventually starts to underperform on future titles you'll have the know how of how to upgrade components to keep future costs down. As much as people are scared of PC building it's not actually that hard and is relatively plug and play as long as you get the parts that can work together. Ask in forums if you need to as knowledgeable people will tell you what won't work.

  • To be honest, a kid that age will end up doing research on the internet, watch YT videos and will want to upgrade pretty quick.

    I would save up a bit more money and get a higher spec PC, if your budget is around $1200-$1300, saving $700-$800 will end up getting you a much better PC IMO

    • +2

      YouTube's lethal, too much Linus Tech tips makes you want a 4090ti and thread ripper to play minesweeper.

      • not gonna lie that is 100% what happened to me ….

        i9 12900ks
        3090 ti
        64gb ram

        … I play wow … but hey it looks cool

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