If the fee to use your credit card is equal or lower than your earn rate, do you still use your credit card?
For instance the Amex Plat Airpoints earn rate is 1.69%, and if you're paying for something that is charging a 1.5% fee, would you still use your credit card?
Reason for asking is because I believe the more you spend on your credit card, the more the credit card companies like you? (Eg. likely to get targeted offers from Amex / better retention offers if you decide to leave). If that's the case you should always use your credit card if the fee is lower or equal than the earn rate?
This also assumes that you are paying off your credit card in full every month.
Curious to know what others do.
I am lazy so don't tend to overthink it, and just put everything on the card and then pay it once a month. Easy. The fact I get a kick back/bonus is handy. I am sure that there is probably a more cost effective way to do it (to maximise the interest gained, and minimise the interest paid), but I am too lazy :D