Hey Cheapies!
Well, Christmas is coming up, and we thought we'd give some stuff away to spread the festive mood, cash in this case.
Most of the following description has been borrowed from Scotty's OzBargain Birthday Promotion(ozbargain.com.au).
In fact, to get the prizes for this competition, I had to resort to this at OzBargain HQ!
To take part in the treasure hunt, you must meet the following requirements:
- Make sure you are logged into ChoiceCheapies, and are not currently in the penalty box.
- Browse around the website to spot treasure items.
- Claim it when you spot one!
- At the end of December 17th, prizes will be given out for the treasures you have claimed.
- The raffle will be held following completion of the treasure hunt, and winners will be announced shortly after.
- Be a current New Zealand resident.
Sounds easy? Here are the details.
Who can participate?
Everyone can participate. However you need to be a logged in user to see the treasures.
Users who are currently in penalty box will not be able to see scattered treasures nor claim them. Sockpuppeting or creating multiple accounts will also risk to have all your accounts banned — so don't even try. Users who have been found gaming the system (cheating, bots, programmatic, etc) will also be blocked from receiving the prizes.
When is the treasure hunt starting & finishing?
Treasure hunt will official start today (7th Dec 2015). I'll be seeding the site with treasures later this afternoon. The hunt will finish on 17th Dec 2015 at 11:59PM, and the treasures you have claimed will be your winning items.
We will be contacting winners the following day to get details, and sending prizes out as these details are confirmed. They will be sent via Paypal or giftcard of your choice.
What treasures?
Here is a list of prizes we are giving away:
- 10 x $10 Instant Wins
- 100 x Raffle Tickets - 3 prizes drawn ($150, $100 & $50)
- Total prize pool of $400
How do I spot a treasure?
Treasures will be scattered around the ChoiceCheapies website. Here is an example:
HINT: Treasures will only appear on
- Front page (between the deals)
- New deal pages (between the deals)
- Deal/forum/competition pages that have (1) at least 3 comments (2) last commented less than 30 days ago (between comments)
Also note that the treasure will only stay on the page for 15 seconds. So it might be wise to scroll up & down when you first load the pages to see whether there's a treasure.
How do I claim a treasure?
When you click on the highlighted row, you will be shown what treasure it is and a button for you to claim it. Once it is claimed it will be added to your inventory which you can then check in the marketplace page later. A user can keep at most 4 items in the inventory. Here is an example when treasure is revealed and ready to be claimed:
Once a treasure is revealed you should have 3-4 minutes to claim it (before we expire it in the backend). If you already have 4 items in your inventory, you will then be given an option to drop an existing item to claim the one on the page. Dropped item will be released to the wild to be picked up by another lucky guy.
Treasure Hunt Marketplace is the place where you can
- See what treasures are currently in your inventory
Put items in your inventory to be traded on the marketSee treasures other users are currently trading on the marketRequest / Accept / Reject trades
When a treasure is first claimed, it would be private under Your Items. Click on the toggle "Trade on the Marketplace" to make it public, available for trade.
Under Marketplace you will see a list of items that other users have made available to trade. Clicking on "Trade Item" will bring down a list of your own items that you wish to swap with.
When currently there are pending trade requests against the items under your inventory, there will also be a section Trade Request. You can then approve or reject those trade requests. Users will be notified when there's an incoming trade request, or when your trade request has been approved or rejected.
Please note that item trading is one to one only — one item in yours inventory trading with another item that's currently on the market. It is not possible to do one-to-many trading.
Please note that for this treasure hunt, trading has been disabled as it was deemed of no use with single items.
So, get your Santa hats on, bifocals out, and get hunting!
Presumably they won't show up on expired deals?