My way of giving back to the Cheapies community, who've saved me a truckload of cash over the years. Use promo code ONEGOLDCOIN, pay your dollar, get as much of an answer as I can realistically provide in 10 minutes.
Will I try and upsell you on more legal work? If I think it'd benefit you, then yup, absolutely I will. Otherwise no, I'll just do my best to help in 10 minutes. But you're under no obligation (and no social pressure) to go any further, and can always take the initial view I give you to another lawyer or to a service like Community Law. Even if I do upsell you, I'll try and give you some actionable advice you can take forward by yourself if you'd prefer.
To get the most out of your 10 minutes, please try to ask a clear and specific question. As I've only got 10 minutes to help, a vague question will likely get a vague answer.
This is awesome man!