Cheapest Place to Get KiwiStamps?

I've found these, a whopping $0.21 discount vs NZ Post.

Just wondering if anyone knows of a way to get them cheaper?

I know NZ Post used to have a discount program, but they closed it a few months back.


  • Yes - can get $100 worth (50 pack) for $90 delivered.
    Turn your messaging on if that's what you're after and I'll explain how.

  • +1

    Check out TradeMe - we sold off excess stamps on there some years ago.

    We had loads left over from when we used to send out a lot of mail, and they had sat around for a couple of years, so we sold them to the highest bidder. Can't recall what price (or percentage of nominal value) we got, but they were, happily, the ones that are not printed with a specific value, but are just 'normal post' or whatever it is called.

    • Haha yeah, KiwiStamps are the best kinda stamps. Don't lose value over time due to inflation like other stamps.
      I did had a look on TradeMe, found one small pack which I bought.

      • wow they worth 2 bucks each now? I think I bought mine for 50c. Nice 300% ROI but I only have one booklet lol

  • eBay can be a good place to pick them up, i.e.

    Recently picked up 60 of them for under $60 delivered which isn't too shabby.

    • Dammn, never thought about looking on ebay for NZ stamps. Thank you

  • Yes Trade Me is the place. If you don't mind "mint no gum" I have a contact who has stamps for 50% off. Dude likely soaks them off envelopes that NZPost didn't postmark. So there are moral/legal issues there if that worries you.

    • +1

      If I did that to every 'stamped' envelope I receive, I would likely get about three stamps a year nowadays :-)

      Even at that rate, I would likely accrue a stock of about two additional stamps a year… maybe three!

      • Yes, he must work somewhere that still gets a lot of stamped standard mail. Not sure where that would be. Not so long ago places like IRD used to be a rich source of stamps for collectors. Back when they required mail in tax returns every year.

        Many other Govt dept. and companies used to get payments in the mail with cheques. The admin staff in these places often snipped off the stamps and collected them up for the stamp collector market.

    • Hmm yeah, maybe not for me. But thanks for the offer. Generally not a fan of the non-sticky version of stamps.

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