Has anyone tried Muscle Mat?


Looking into getting a Muscle Mat for my lounge as my daughter is now crawling. Does anyone have it? Do you recommend?

Any discount codes bigger than 10% floating around?


  • Whole family loves it. We got one of the larger ones and are always sitting on it

  • Its super comfortable

  • Are you talking for your floor? Honestly you will probably only have a month of them maybe staying on it and then they'll be off trying to get into your kitchen cupboards looking for things to choke on. And then in a couple months they will be walking. We used those foam interlocking pads from bunnings/warehouse/anywhere while our baby was spitting up everywhere and rolling but if you're already at crawling just hold on and save the energy for all the babyproofing in your immediate future. It's so tempting to buy stuff for all these new stages but in retrospect they're over so quickly and a lot of things aren't properly useful for very long.

  • Wife was wanting one of these too. I’d love to hear others opinions who have one as well.

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