FREE MYLK! 30ml Almond Barista Base Sample - just pay shipping.
The sample will make 500ml of fresh plant mylk.
FREE MYLK! 30ml Almond Barista Base Sample - just pay shipping.
The sample will make 500ml of fresh plant mylk.
Was gonna say the same. Also can't find how much % almonds is there.
Assuming it's the same as the 150ml Almond Barista Base( then it is 99% Blanched Almonds.
I must be blind but only see 100% pure ingredients. Anyways $10.99 for 2.5l is better than 30ml free above. Still not sure how powdery it might taste
This tastes way better than supermarket almond milk.
I use this in my coffee - tastes much better than almond milk…
You might as well spend $4/5 getting a 1ltr Almond milk at the supermarket, as the sample only makes 500ml