Buying a Heatpump Dryer - Need Opinions Please

Hi all,

We are needing to buy a heat pump dryer in the next couple days.

Would love to hear everyone’s opinions RE best value for money and warranty experiences etc.

Family of 6. Prefer to line dry, however during bad weather happy to use dryer.

Wanting to spend no more than $1500.

Thanks so much.


  • Consumer did a write up about how frequently you need to use a heat pump dryer to make fiscal sense.

    • +1

      Purely from a financial perspective when I have looked at the numbers they never have stacked up in terms of how much more they cost versus how much they save. Was the same for hot water cylinders (for our usage patterns); just made more sense to get the standard traditional types. ymmv

      • I'm guessing you don't have kids? We have an traditional vented dryer bc we wanted to wall mount floating dryer above a bench, so it was the only option.

        • Yup we have kids

          • @AleBeerenhoff: We have a vented one currently in the garage, need to open garage door to use it and gets cold in winter. Also we have an indoor laundry with a slot in it designed for a heatpump dryer. Can hook it upto the sink for water disposal.

    • +3

      Having to vent the dryer is an issue for many people.

      I got a heatpump dryer because of this very reason. Last thing I want is a damp home caused by moisture from the dryer.

      • Do you have yours ducted to the sink? Or just empty the reservoir?

        • +1

          Empty the reservoir which feeds the plants.

      • You have three options

        Vented dryer
        Condenser dryer
        Heat pump dryer

        We used to have condenser dryer but changed to wall mount with external vent. Heat pump and condenser very heavy. Also a vented dryer can be mounted upside so the controls are reachable on the wall (controls at the bottom instead of top) and the control panel can be flipped so the button labels aren't upside down.

  • We bought one about a month ago.
    What size are you wanting? We got an 8kg one, but that's also because we have a 13kg washer so needed to have it fairly hefty to accommodate the washer.
    We got this one:

    • 8-9kg seems to be the standard for most heatpump dryers. So looking around there.

      Hows the samsung one?

      • Really good to be honest

      • Something to consider with the Samsung is that I don't think they do reverse cycle tumbling. This can be an issue with things like towels and bedding, which turn into a ball and make drying difficult due to lack of aeration.

        • Thanks heaps for this tip - will check specs before buying.

      • One negative with the one I have you have to clean condenser from time to time apart from that they are excellent i got mine for 1.2k with extended warranty, using it may be all most every day I also have a all in one . They are great . Samsung was cheap on boxing day 4yrs ago it will dry completely , takes little power and is very gentle on cloths , it saves time and effort instead of line drying

  • +1

    If you find a model and Andoo sell it, they price match and offer free shipping and installation.
    I just ordered a washer/dryer combo from them and I used a $20 discount code as well (I used ANDOOYNZ24, from Yachting NZ).
    Was genuinely surprised with their service (placed an order Sunday and they do next day delivery).
    They don't have Samsung dryers, but they have Beko which is rated highly I believe.…

  • Can't recommend.

    Sure, they use less power, but at the cost of significantly longer drying times. Do the math and you realise you are taking at least twice the time to dry - and suddenly that 1800w dryer that takes an hour to dry is a lot more economical than you thought.

    They also have significant things that can go wrong with them, expensive parts, and there are limited service people who can fix them.

    I literally just got given a three year old +$1500 new one to play with - it has a broken belt and by the time you pull it apart enough to put a new $60+ one (purchased from overseas - so plus shipping) on your looking at 2-3+hr of labour (vs 30min max on a "normal" dryer), and from what I can see just pulling it apart will likely necessitate the replacement of two components (which are designed to wear and fail - and non-existent on a regular dryer).

    I might fix it for my parents who have the old "no venting possible" problem - but that's the only reason I'd get or use one. Even one that'd cost me just the repair time and parts cost.

    • *** though just to note - they should have CGA'd.

      Given they live in a literal mansion I doubt they cared that much though (didn't want to pay for the repair though!)

      • We require a dryer that does not put out any humidity or heat. Are you saying a condenser is better?

        • Heat pumps are condenser dryers they do take long dry times as per above but they are very cheap to run i monitor my power usage and have also uses watt meter and it's about 4to 5 times cheaper then convection dryer

  • I got an LG one from a clearance for a pretty good price which I liked a lot. The long cycle time didn't bother me because so does drying things the traditional way. I feel like it was gentler with clothes than other dryers. But when we moved and I couldn't bring it with me it was a total mission to sell because LG clearance items have serials removed.

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