Hainan Rtn to Beijing $428, Shanghai $428, Nanking $416, Chengdu $428, Chongqing $426, Xian $426 & More [Sep-Dec] @ BTF


Price drop on all the cities from the top China routes with Hainan Airlines. Last time for comparison, included August)

China has announced that Kiwis can enter China without a visa for up to 15 days. Combined with this, the cheap flights to China continue, now up to the end of 2024!

Auckland to Shanghai (1 Sep - 12 Dec) from $428 return
Auckland to Beijing (1 Sep - 12 Dec) from $428 return
Auckland to Chengdu (1 Sep - 12 Dec) from $428 return
Auckland to Chongqing (1 Sep - 12 Dec) from $426 return
Auckland to Nanking (1 Sep - 12 Dec) from $416 return
Auckland to Xian (1 Sep - 12 Dec) from $426 return
Auckland to Kunming (1 Sep - 12 Dec) from $426 return
Auckland to Hangzhou (1 Sep - 12 Dec) from $428 return

Auckland - Shanghai on Hainan

Dates: 1 Sep 24 - 12 Dec 24

Auckland - Beijing on Hainan

Dates: 1 Sep 24 - 12 Dec 24

Auckland - Chengdu on Hainan

Dates: 1 Sep 24 - 12 Dec 24

Auckland - Chongqing on Hainan

Dates: 1 Sep 24 - 12 Dec 24

Return Price Travel Dates
$426 7 Sep to 17 Sep
$458 19 Oct to 30 Oct
$458 31 Oct to 11 Nov
$458 12 Nov to 6 Dec

Auckland - Nanking on Hainan

Dates: 1 Sep 24 - 12 Dec 24

Return Price Travel Dates
$416 7 Sep to 17 Sep
$458 19 Oct to 30 Oct
$458 31 Oct to 11 Nov
$458 12 Nov to 6 Dec

Auckland - Xian on Hainan

Dates: 1 Sep 24 - 12 Dec 24

Return Price Travel Dates
$426 7 Sep to 17 Sep
$458 19 Oct to 30 Oct
$458 31 Oct to 11 Nov
$458 12 Nov to 6 Dec

Auckland - Kunming on Hainan

Dates: 1 Sep 24 - 12 Dec 24

Return Price Travel Dates
$426 7 Sep to 17 Sep
$458 19 Oct to 30 Oct

Auckland - Hangzhou on Hainan

Dates: 1 Sep 24 - 12 Dec 24

Return Price Travel Dates
$526 1 Sep to 12 Sep
$428 7 Sep to 17 Sep
$458 19 Oct to 30 Oct
$458 31 Oct to 11 Nov
$458 12 Nov to 6 Dec

You can follow us at Beat That Flight for more deals, error fares, promos and sales, on Youtube, on Facebook, or on Google News.

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Hainan Airlines


  • +2

    Anything for next year?

  • +6

    Wow, those prices are genuinely absurd. I guess I'm going to go to China?

    • +10

      Why take the family to Kelly Tarlton's when you can take them to China? Hahaha…

  • +1

    Far out that’s cheaper than going to Aussie. Hope they add 2025 flights.

    • +1

      It's cheaper than flying to QT lol

    • Oh wow, that's concerning. Do you know if that could happen if you merely transit in China? Looking to visit Taiwan but most of the cheapest flights have layovers there…

      • +3

        It's no problem, it's safer than NZ in that regard :)

  • How is it possibly for the airline to make any money on this?

    Hoping this transfers to Chch some time will check out if it really is a great wall.

  • Has anyone flown with Hainan airline and are they any good?

    • +2

      Very good. Unless you have very special requirements that might require complete English fluency, all these carriers beat Air NZ in every dimension on the China route.

    • Great airline, would fly again.

  • +12

    Big thanks to @beatthatflight for posting these deals. Just came back from a lads trip to China thanks to this and the VISA free entry.

    Hainan Airlines was a great experience, food was good (by airline standards), most staff spoke enough English to get you by, planes are modern and each seat comes with its own infotainment screen, the two checked bags were great for all of the sweet tech and gifts we came back with.

    If you have any reservations about visiting China - don't. No one cared that we were foreigners visiting aside from having to use a special line for transport / checks since we had no China issued ID. So long as you don't do anything really stupid you're fine as there are cameras everywhere. English is still uncommon especially outside cities / tourist spaces, but translation apps, pointing and WeChat are all you need to get by.

    Whole trip cost $2.5knzd for everything (and we didn't hold back.) Can't recommend China highly enough. Only down side is coming back to NZ Chinese food after eating the real deal…

    • where did you go in china?

      • +2

        We went to Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.

        It's very easy to get around once you're in China. We had a full on itinerary to cover in 10 days but well worth jamming as much as we could in, you can sleep when you get back to NZ haha.

        Managed to sneak a day trip to Hong Kong from Shenzhen as well, if you try to do this, customs check in and out of mainland China can be time consuming make sure you give yourself enough time to do this.

    • Any tips on e.g payment methods, vpns, good sites for info on internal travel etc? I last went a decade ago and it seems like a lot has changed since then!

      • +2

        I visited China a couple of months ago

        Payment methods - 90% of transactions we used Alipay, the rest was WeChat but they’re both accepted most places (we found AliPay easier to use) We took cash, but wasn’t necessary, ended up using it at the Nike store just to get rid of it
        All market vendors use Alipay/WeChat too - really no need for cash even for ‘emergency’

        VPNs - we used a Hong Kong ESim, so not VPN needed. Was about $31NZD for 30gb of data though 3HK, would highly recommend

        Internal travel - Trains were super easy to use, we visited Japan earlier this year and found the China train/subway system easier to use. All signs are in English, and works with google maps (if you aren't affected by the firewall)
        Otherwise DiDi (Uber equivalent) is super cheap, but we found travel by car was just as long as taking the train in most instances. These can also be booked through the AliPay app which was ideal

        We stayed in Beijing the whole time (7 full days) which we were told was too long, but we filled in the days easily! If we had more time to organise (> 2 weeks) we would have liked to go to Shanghai too

        Our accomodation was approx $100NZD per night for a large hotel room with ample space (3x as big as our Japan Hotels)

        Overall really enjoyed the trip - best part was definitely the food and Great Wall. By the end of it I was pretty over all the staring and no one speaking English (not their fault though)

        We got a lot of travel trips through Reddit!

        • How much did the trip cost you overall?

      • +2

        I bought a local sim and tried to use a mix of different VPN's - would not recommend this. Either get a roaming pack on your NZ number (most of these will bypass the great firewall and a need for a VPN) or get a HK esim or similar as suggested below. NORD, IVACY and Brave VPN's very rarely worked for me.

        Very rarely did we find ourselves needing the local number that I had, I imagine you could probably work around not having one.

        Endorse most of @Brit22 's comments below about Alipay and DiDi very cheap and easy to get around, metro's in the big cities were easy to navigate and could be paid for easily using kiosks or Alipay, overall I'd recommend metros as cheaper and very convenient.

        Google Maps is blocked, and even with a VPN there is no good location data on that platform. Apple maps is not blocked but hard to find places as location data isn't that great, was fine for navigating around.

        • Mapping companies need to be authorized by the chinese govt, so Apple licenses from a chinese company. Its apple maps, but not apple maps.
          They also do gps shifting as China has its own coordinates system and the shifting means you could be 200-300m off.

          For chinese food - can find a lot of good options in auckland. Chinese expats often are disappointed when going back home as the quality of food can be vastly lower (poorer ingredients) but obviously more varieties.

          Great deals these. Hope it continues into next year as already got plans booked.

    • Ok I and probably many here would like to know more.

      What's the vibe on say Shanghai vs Beijing from a tourist perspective if you've only got say 1 week there as a holiday.

      Where did you stay and eat, how did you pay for things etc.

      Appreciate the feedback.

      • +1

        Shanghai - More modern / Western, touristy, expensive filled with Russians more markets to buy things. We got tailored made suits overnight which was awesome in itself (made me think that the $200 Hallenstein suits are rip offs.)

        Beijing - Felt like more authentic China, proximity to great wall was great, tourist attractions were more appealing. Food and vibe were great. Most tourist attractions are closed on Mondays and you need tickets purchase at least a day before.

        Either way plenty to see or do in either place, different food to experience but can find whatever you're after in either place. You could easily do both cities in a week, we took a bullet train from Beijing to Shanghai which was an experience in itself, averaged 350kmh most of the way. Took 5 hours and cost $160 from memory.

        Stayed in Hostels these were pretty good and got lots of tips from locals other tourists which really cut down the learning curve. Would recommend this over a hotel if you can.

        Everything is on either Alipay or WeChat, I had both setup but preferred Alipay due to better in App translations. Most Rideshares / restaurants and purchasing is done In these apps. Don't bother with cash.

    • awesome, glad you enjoyed it all!

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