Powershop Cheaper than Contact Good Nights Low User?

So. I am currently with Contact on Good Nights Low User plan. My past 2 bills have been as below:

July - August

Fixed daily charges
Daily Charge (Low User) 29 days @ 90.000 cents per day $26.10
Fixed charges total $26.10

Variable charges
Charged: Midnight - 9pm (Low User) 500 kWh @ 32.400 cents per kWh $162.00
Free: 9pm - Midnight (Low User) 73 kWh @ 0.000 cent per kWh $0.00
Variable charges total $162.00

Total with GST: $216.32

June - July

Fixed daily charges
Daily Charge (Low User) 30 days @ 90.000 cents per day $27.00
Fixed charges total $27.00

Variable charges
Charged: Midnight - 9pm (Low User) 466 kWh @ 32.400 cents per kWh $150.98
Free: 9pm - Midnight (Low User) 75 kWh @ 0.000 cent per kWh $0.00
Variable charges total $150.98

Total with GST: $204.68

I used https://www.powercompare.co.nz/ to see if there is anything better out there and PowerShop is coming to be cheaper for the amount of usage we have.

Has anyone switched from Contact to PowerShop and noticed any difference?


  • +4

    I'm on Contact Good night plan and probably going to stay but wanting to share my experience with PowerShop.

    Depending on which plan you go to, their advertised rate is slightly misleading. You will get their standard/base rate applied to you and can only get their advertised "discounted" rate if (and BIG IF) you purchase their packs whenever they pop up and future packs (you get discount, if memory serves right 2% for 1 month in advance, 4% for 2 months in advance).
    Bear in mind also that (unless it's changed now) the rate differs from month to months. Winter will be higher than Summer months

    When I was with them, I can't never get to their advertised rate of when I joined even when I purchased all the packs. I find it also confusing reading their monthly bills as they gave you your standard rate, then apply the "value" (not your purchased value) packs against your bill so I can never figure out how much exactly I spent for that monthly bill.

    • This is helpful. Thanks :)

    • Agree, also keep in mind when you buy packs your spending money ,

  • +1

    That usage seems that you are not using your 3 hours free at all. We consistently use around 35-50% of units during those 3 hours. Do you know what time of day you have maximum power usage? Check out 4 hours free meridian deal if you can shift your free hours, else look at a plan which offers peak/off-peak rates.

    My usage for June-July
    Charged : 422 kwh
    Free : 309 kwh
    Bill Total : $177.61

  • +1

    I used to be with Powershop a number of years ago, but got very frustrated with the variability of the discounts and lack of frequency or small pack sizes that discounts were applied to. Spam has covered it reasonably well, personally I wouldn't go with them again at this current stage.

    After Powershop I went to Electric Kiwi, enjoyed the 1 hour of free power so moved on to Contact when various deals became available and make thorough use of the 3 hours of free power.
    I echo ace's comment, it doesn't appear like you're actually shifting use to the 3 hours to make use of them being free - this might just be because your schedule means you're not awake/present to utilize these hours well?

    For an added point of reference:
    July 1-31
    Total kWh: 896
    Free kWh: 456

    Literally over half our usage was free, running dishwasher, washing machine, rice cooker, pressure cooker etc. etc. all within these hours.

    If you can't make good use of your free hours would it be worth trying the free weekend plan?

    • Yeah, the thing that frustrate me with Powershop is how I can't get a clear answer on what is the actual rate I'm paying for that month.

      Another reference point of Good Night plan:
      23 Jul - 22 Aug
      Total kWh: 481
      Free kWh: 242
      Bill: $115.09

    • Thank you for the reply. We might switch to free weekend plan as our 9-12 usage is clearly not high enough.

      • If that fits your lifestyle better I think that'd be a great idea, but you have to keep in mind that it's a mindset shift just as much as a plan change.

        In order to truly make use of the savings, you need to be OK with adjusting your lifestyle a little to suit - instead of doing a wash every 2 days, do all the washing and drying over the weekend. Meal prep on Sunday to save kitchen power during the week and then run the dishwasher straight away even if it's not entirely full etc. etc.
        If you have things like dehumidifiers/heat pumps/air purifiers/heaters etc. you can set their timers or buy some smart plugs to run timers so that they automatically come on during your free power window and switch off straight away when it ends.

        If you're not making good use of your 'free' hours you're basically just stuck with a slightly more expensive plan, which is how Contact make their money. Definitely utilize the broadband/mobile offers with Contact as they come up too, you're easily getting a couple months free per deal if you jump on them, which definitely offsets any higher cost you might have right now…

    • This sounds like my experience exactly. Powershop were game changers when they popped in the scene, and got people thinking a lot more about how they but their power. You could stock up on cheap power and knew you were always getting a good deal. Gradually the deals got smaller, fewer and further between, and the incentive to stay with them all but disappeared with the appearance of EK and others. They seem almost irrelevant now that big players like Contact are playing the game (and doing remarkably well at it).

  • Im with ElectricKiwi and looking to switch when the prices go up next month.

    Below is my breakdown
    Total KwH: 580.
    Free KWH: 259.39
    Bill: $123.57

    • Unfortunately prices are so variable across the country and even between suburbs in the same city, nobody here can give you any help unfortunately. Start with Powerswitch, but beware of recommendations for Powershop as detailed above. Your best deal is to find someone who will give you a chunk of credit for signing up ($200-300+), so long as you're still getting a good deal on power. Bundling broadband/phone can (but doesn't always) help as well.

      • I don't think the power comparison sites are very good at all with evaluating the off peak and free hours plans.

        You can ask you current provider for your usage data.

        Also the rates on Contact Energy’s Good Weekend plan are lower than Good Nights. So even if you use more power 9-12pm, the lower paid rate may mean it's cheaper overall. You’ll need to check.

  • Be aware if your in the Vector area of Auckland North/West, that powershop has peak/off peak charges April to Sept. The peak rates are very high and the off peak not so great. Have been with Powershop for around 10 years and never seen it this expensive. Sorry my chart didn't want to copy properly.
    These are my low user rates

    Seasonal Energy May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr

    Weekday Off Peak (c/kWh) 27.77 27.77 27.74 27.23 25.9 25.03 24.48 24.16 24.16 24.7 26.36 25.19

    Weekday Peak (c/kWh) 39.07 39.07 39.05 38.53 37.21 25.03 24.48 24.16 24.16 24.7 26.36 36.49

    All Weekend Off Peak (c/kWh) 27.77 27.77 27.74 27.23 25.9 25.03 24.48 24.16 24.16 24.7 26.36 25.19

    Daily charge (c/day) 138

    Seasonal Energy May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr

    Weekday Off Peak (c/kWh) 24.72 24.42 24.02 23.48 22.5 22.05 21.31 20.92 21.51 21.54 22.73 21.29

    Weekday Peak (c/kWh) 36.02 35.72 35.32 34.79 33.81 22.05 21.31 20.92 21.51 21.54 22.73 32.59

    All Weekend Off Peak (c/kWh) 24.72 24.42 24.02 23.48 22.5 22.05 21.31 20.92 21.51 21.54 22.73 21.29

    Daily charge (c/day) 138

  • Powershop is a little confusing, it started out fun buying packs but in the end i have no idea what im paying and what rate and its quite annoying to be honest not having a clear price. I think the special rate is the monthly pack purchased post price so if you forget that its even worse.

    Moving to z for 50l free fuel then will decide who to stay with after.

    • Exactly this. When i was with Powershop, what makes it slightly cheaper was the $150 joining credit but even then I think it's just barely cheaper.

  • And while I have been debating on whether to move from Powershop since late June, both Mercury and Contact appear to of put their no fixed term rates up, once in April and again since June.

  • +1

    I would highly recommend you change your power usage rather than change companies. Set your dishwasher, washing machine, dryer etc on timer to come on at 9pm. If they don't have built in timers, go and grab a cheap plug in one from a hardware store.
    In winter you can set your heat pump to turn on/off at 9pm, put on max to warm up the house etc.
    I'm sure there are plenty of other ways too, do a quick google search for ideas.

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